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Senior government official: "We will pass the reasonableness grounds on second and third readings by the end of the current session" | Israel Hayom

6/19/2023, 3:26:51 AM

Highlights: Netanyahu announced that the legislation would be advanced, Lapid and Gantz attacked: "He will not have a majority in the Knesset" • Today: Coalition leaders will discuss voting schedule. Former Supreme Court President Aharon Barak on the coalition's plans: "The reason for reasonableness is important and I would not touch it. I'm in favor of it not being applied to high government policy, if it pleases Levin" The reform of the State Prosecutor's Office is inconceivable, says Barak.

Netanyahu announced that the legislation would be advanced, Lapid and Gantz attacked: "He will not have a majority in the Knesset" • Today: Coalition leaders will discuss voting schedule • Former Supreme Court President Aharon Barak on the coalition's plans: "The reason for reasonableness is important and I would not touch it. I'm in favor of it not being applied to high government policy, if it pleases Levin."

From threats to actions. After Netanyahu promised to start advancing parts of the legal reform, a senior government official is outlining the timetable – and it's very close. According to the official involved in promoting the legal reform: "We will pass the reasonableness grounds on second and third readings by the end of the current session."

This is legislation to reduce the cause of reasonableness in a similar wording to the legislation proposed by Justice Noam Sohlberg. According to the emerging outline, the grounds of reasonableness, according to which the High Court of Justice sometimes determines that decisions by government and administrative authorities are extremely unreasonable, will be nullified with regard to decisions made by government and ministerial committees. That is, decisions related to legislation, policy, appointments, and ministerial appointments such as Deri's appointment.

Weekly cabinet meeting, photo: Alex Kolomoisky

In addition, the grounds of reasonableness with regard to the appointment of senior civil service officials will be eliminated. On the other hand, the grounds will not be eliminated with regard to the level in local authorities. In addition, it appears that the outline in question of reducing the cause of reasonableness will be advanced through legislation of the legislative committee headed by MK Simcha Rotman.

Yesterday, as mentioned, the prime minister returned the legal reform to the headlines. "I think what was proven last week is that Gantz and Lapid played a game," Netanyahu said at the start of the cabinet meeting. "It was actually a misrepresentation.

"But they gave a month and then another month, then three months, and their representatives did not agree to the minimum understanding. The intention was only to smear time, to text every amendment, at a time when a large majority of the public today understands that corrections must be made in the judicial system.

"Therefore, we will convene this week and begin the practical steps. We will do them in a measured and responsible manner in accordance with the mandate we received for reforms in the judicial system."

An end to dialogue?

As expected, the remarks caused a storm and the opposition warned of damage to democracy. Opposition leader Yair Lapid said, "Netanyahu's announcement that he intends to advance the regime revolution unilaterally will cause fatal damage to the economy, endanger security and tear the people of Israel apart. Instead of firing Yariv Levin, Netanyahu is firing the State of Israel. We will fight with the coalition MKs to make sure this doesn't happen."

Benny Gantz, chairman of the state camp, stressed: "Netanyahu certainly knows what it means to repeat the same action over and over again and expect different results. If Netanyahu goes for unilateral legislation and takes aggressive and aggressive action again, he will harm democracy, Israeli society, the economy and security. And after all this, it will also fail. He won't have a majority of the people, he won't have a majority in the Knesset."

At the same time, former Supreme Court President Aharon Barak spoke yesterday at a conference at Reichman University about the coalition's plans. Barak claimed that he was in favor of reforming the judicial system, but "not this reform," he said, "the reason for reasonableness is important and I would not touch it. I'm in favor of it not being applied to high government policy, if it pleases Levin." Barak also referred to the talks taking place at the president's residence, which have now been halted, and stressed: "It is essential to me that a Basic Law: Legislation emerge from the president's residence."

"If it pleases Levin", Aharon Barak, photo: Gideon Markowitz

He added: "I am in favor of a reform of adding judges, interns, reform of the State Prosecutor's Office. It is inconceivable that a case like Deri's takes many years. The reform proposals harm democracy."

Gottlieb vs. Netanyahu

Meanwhile, tensions in the Likud following the vote on the members of the Judicial Selection Committee continue. MK Tali Gottlieb, who was not elected to the committee, wrote on Twitter yesterday: "Prime Minister Netanyahu. I heard you tell ministers that because of me, the legislation regarding the appointment of judges was delayed.

MK Tali Gottlieb, Photo: Gideon Markowitz

"Please assume that not everyone is dumb. You told me that no matter who was elected, you would change the structure of the committee when you tried to persuade me to vote for Elharar. I told you I don't believe it, and you won't come by appointing judges."

"The salami method has begun"

The Likud responded: "No one asked Gottlieb to vote for Elharrar, she was asked only to maintain coalition discipline and withdraw her candidacy."

The protest leaders said in response: "Gottlieb exposed the truth - Netanyahu intends to appoint judicial judges, the salami has begun. Netanyahu is once again underestimating the anger he will provoke in the public."

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