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Seven vehicles were hit, five terrorists were eliminated and fear of reprisals: IDF investigates fierce battle in Jenin | Israel Hayom

6/19/2023, 3:25:32 PM

Highlights: Hours after the fierce battle, the IDF published its investigation of the findings. According to the investigation, the fighters demonstrated accuracy, composure and courage. Some of the armored vehicles began receiving protective reinforcement and others will continue to receive soon. A total of seven vehicles that were disabled during the operation were damaged. The Judea and Samaria Division is on heightened alert for revenge attacks in defense of the communities and roads following the operation. The operation began at 4:15 A.M. and ended between 00:16 P.m. and 00:5 P.M., with a total of fighters from six different units.

Hours after the fierce battle, the IDF published its investigation of the findings • All the wounded in our forces suffer limb injuries • According to the investigation, the fighters demonstrated accuracy, composure and courage • Some of the armored vehicles began receiving protective reinforcement and others will continue to receive soon

An investigation of the incident on Monday morning indicates that the arrest operation was relatively routine for arresting wanted persons in the Jenin refugee camp.

After the Great Panther vehicle was hit, the troops were tasked with rescuing him under fire. A total of seven vehicles that were disabled during the operation were damaged. The military says that at no point was the operation revealed until the wanted men were arrested. Hundreds of fighters from the Qalqiliya and Nablus sectors with the Givati and Magellan forces. During the rescue, another soldier from a paratrooper patrol was hit.

Rescue of military vehicles from Jenin // Arab networks

All the wounded are in a state of gunfire and most of them suffer limb injuries. The Judea and Samaria Division noted the extensive air support provided by assault and combat helicopters alongside armed Zik UAVs. The combat helicopter, which provided fire for the rescue, came under fire from terrorist machine guns and after landing the pilots found gunshot wounds to the Apache wing.

The operation began at 4:15 A.M. and ended between 00:16 P.M. and 00:5 P.M., with a total of fighters from six different units participating in the operation. According to the investigation, the fighters demonstrated accuracy, composure and courage and killed at least 4 terrorists, including a PIJ operative. A total of <> wanted persons were arrested.

Clashes in Jenin, photo: Arab networks

Meanwhile, the Judea and Samaria Division is on heightened alert for revenge attacks in defense of the communities and roads following the operation.

Regarding the cargo - it is a local cargo whose remains are being examined. Some of the armored vehicles have begun to receive protective condensation and others will continue to receive soon.

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