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Barak and Olmert at the stake: 40 reserve officers and pilots demand that senior protest figures be put on trial | Israel Hayom

6/20/2023, 1:25:13 PM

Highlights: Dozens of reserve officers with the ranks of major to colonel sent a letter to Attorney General Baharav-Miara. The officers present quotes made by Ehud Barak, Ehud Olmert, Dan Halutz, Yair Golan, former head of Military Intelligence and a former chief education officer who they claim meet the criteria for a criminal offense. The pilots, represented by Adv. Nadav Hatzani, write in their letter to the attorney general that "we are witnessing a series of harsh and severe statements"

Dozens of reserve officers with the ranks of major to colonel sent a letter to Attorney General Baharav-Miara asking to prosecute the senior figures in anti-government and judicial reform demonstrations for sedition Among the quotes referred to: Barak's call for nonviolent civil disobedience

On Tuesday, 40 reserve officers from major to colonel, more than half of whom are pilots in the Israeli Air Force, wrote to the attorney general on Tuesday demanding that former senior officials involved in the protests against the coalition be prosecuted for sedition. In the letter, the officers present quotes made by Ehud Barak, Ehud Olmert, Dan Halutz, Yair Golan, former head of Military Intelligence and a former chief education officer who they claim meet the criteria for a criminal offense.

The pilots, represented by Adv. Nadav Hatzani (full disclosure: Adv. Hatzani is a columnist for Israel Hayom), write in their letter to the attorney general that "we are witnessing a series of harsh and severe statements designed to motivate people to carry out actions that are all in violation of the law. Indeed, these statements have already led to serious acts being committed in violation of the law, as well as threatening additional extensive illegal actions, both immediately and in the future.

They call on her to prosecute the protest officials. Attorney General Baharav Miara (archive), photo: Gideon Markowitz

"These statements and actions negate the legitimacy of the Israeli government, which was democratically elected only six months ago. They have led to incitement to refusal and threats of refusal by those who serve in the Israel Defense Forces – regular, permanent and reserve, alongside widespread acts of violence, including an attempt to completely disrupt the functioning of the people's elected representatives – Knesset members and ministers. Perhaps worst of all, these statements are attempts at sedition, including calls and threats of rebellion and civil war."

Minister Amsalem at the plenum: Ehud and Aharon Barak should be in prison // Photo: Knesset Channel

The letter also noted that "these statements and actions have recently intensified, precisely against the background of the halt of the legislative measures initiated by the coalition and the holding of talks at the president's residence, precisely when the reason behind the widespread wave of protest that has struck Israeli society in recent months has seemingly ceased." They added that it was puzzling that so far Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara and the police had not acted on the matter.

"Continue the protest even though the threat has been removed." Archive, photo: Coco

In the letter of complaint, the officers refer to quotes they attribute to Ehud Barak, such as: "When the government acts in a manifestly illegitimate manner and a black flag flies over it, the rules change," "The dictatorship has no legitimate authority over citizens who desire freedom," "When we have a government that was legally elected but acts to change the system of government, an action that is manifestly illegitimate, with a black flag flying over it, and which, to the best of my knowledge, obliges every citizen to do everything in their power to stop it. To this end, the protest must intensify and move to civil disobedience, or to put it more accurately: nonviolent civil disobedience. I call on the citizens of Israel to prepare for the call to act."

They also refer to an interview in which Barak said that "the protest must change its course and turn from a peaceful and civilized protest to a protest that employs nonviolent civil disobedience. It means civil disobedience, it means a series of measures," and that when asked if that includes stopping paying taxes? He replied: "Among other things. All sorts of things, roadblocks, controlled assassination, roadblocks, lockouts, boycotts... I'm not going to tell you the plans, I'm telling you and I'm telling the citizens."

There are also quotes attributed in the letter to Ehud Olmert. Among other things: "What is needed is to move on to the next stage. To the stage of war. And war is not waged in speeches. Rather, war is waged in hand-to-hand combat. Head to head. Hand in hand" and more that "without violence and lawlessness, but in war as in war."

The officers demand that the attorney general open an investigation on suspicion of committing offenses of "incitement to evasion," "incitement to disobedience," acts of sedition and publications of sedition," "incitement to avoid mandatory payments," and other sections of the Penal Code.

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