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Minister of Tourism Katz will take off for Bahrain: We will promote joint tourism packages with Israel | Israel Hayom

6/20/2023, 10:05:43 AM

Highlights: At the invitation of Bahraini Tourism Minister Fatima Al-Sirafi, Minister Katz will land in the country, as the first representative of the current government to visit it. The main initiative at the base of the visit is the promotion of tourism packages for the Asian market, which include Israel, the Emirates and Bahrain. "We will work to realize the potential to turn the Middle East into a leading tourist area," says Minister Katz. The move will strengthen the presence of tourists from Asia in Israel.

At the invitation of Bahraini Tourism Minister Fatima Al-Sirafi, Minister Katz will land in the country, as the first representative of the current government to visit it • "We will work to realize the potential to turn the Middle East into a leading tourism region"

At the invitation of Bahraini Tourism Minister Fatima Al-Sirafi, Tourism Minister Haim Katz will embark on a political visit to Bahrain on Tuesday, with the aim of promoting joint tourism packages to Israel, the UAE and Bahrain.

Minister of Tourism Haim Katz said: "We will work to realize the potential to turn the Middle East into a leading tourist area in the Asian market and other distant destinations. Together, we will offer a rich tourism experience. History alongside modernization, culture and fine culinary."

Bahrain, Photo: Sahar Avrahami

Tourism Minister Haim Katz is the first minister to make an official visit to Bahrain on behalf of the current government.

As part of the visit, Minister Katz will hold meetings with Tourism Minister Al-Sirafi and Finance and Economy Minister Salman Al-Khalifa.

Minister of Tourism Haim Katz will be accompanied by a professional delegation that includes the President of the Hotel Association, Eli Cohen, and the Deputy President of the Israel Travel Agents Association, Saar Fuchs. The delegation will hold working meetings with senior Bahraini tourism industry officials, including the owner of Gulf Air Group, representatives from the Bahrain Tourism Association and agents.

The main initiative at the base of the visit is the promotion of tourism packages for the Asian market, which include Israel, the Emirates and Bahrain. This is a move that will promote regional tourism and strengthen the presence of tourists from Asia in Israel.

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