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The Hakat Affair: The Mental Challenges of the Organization's Management - Walla! Marketing & Digital

6/22/2023, 9:49:25 AM

Highlights: In the Bible, Moses tells the people of Israel that if they don't get water from a rock, they will die. In today's world, people complain too much and don't do enough to solve problems. The key is to have a positive attitude and believe in the solution, says the author of a new book about the Bible. The book, The Bible: A New Beginning, is published by Simon & Schuster at £16.99. For more information on the book, visit

Just before entering the Promised Land, the people of Israel lose two strong figures who accompanied them throughout their journey, and the leader Moses receives devastating news. What can we learn from this about the challenges of modern management?

The portion of Haqat - the fortieth year of Israel's wanderings in the desert. (Photo: Unsplash)

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After the explanation at the beginning of the portion about the laws and actions regarding the commandments of the red cow and the laws of impurity of the dead, there comes a turn for which the Israelites were not prepared and it snowballs. Miriam, Moses' sister, died, and with her the well of water that saturated the people. The result was not long in coming.

As in any organization with valuable human capital, the departure of an employee can be a much greater loss than the professional function he fulfilled. The contribution of that employee may be expressed in the social connection he creates, in the happy atmosphere and even in the confidence he instills in those around him. Too often, we tend to take such things for granted.

The means are just as important as the end

The water shortage is getting worse and worse, and complaints from the Israelites put the entire administrative system under pressure. God explicitly commands Moses to speak to the rock so that the Israelites can witness the miracle and deepen their trust in God. But Moses, in a moment of weakness and wrong instinct under pressure, hits the rock and extracts water from it instead of talking to him. Customers are happy because they got what they wanted, but the big boss cared about the way, not just the result, and this act has consequences.

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Challenges and surprises are part of the way

In the dynamic world in which we operate, every management body knows that it is measured not only on routine days, when everything works and ticks, but especially when things happen and things don't work properly. This is the time to do some thinking within the company and, if necessary, hire an external consultant. The main thing is not to let recklessness win, because once we have done it we will not be in control and will not achieve the desired results.

God decides that both Moses and his brother Aaron are guilty and therefore they will not enter Egypt with the Israelites. In other words, he informs them of the termination of their duties. Soon after, Aaron passed away. Moses continues to lead Israel in the desert in his remaining time, confronting snakes attacking the Israelites over their complaints about water and food.

It is the nature of trouble to come unexpectedly, whether it is once a month or once a year, in bundles and without warning. Employees will always have something to complain about, and if you don't take determined action to change the situation, your human resources will be wasted in vain. Employee complaints are a positive thing, because they let management know what it can improve. However, it is important that management knows how to manage even the most complex situations before they become a crisis, which can lead to irreversible damage.

People need something to believe in

God commands Moses to make a copper serpent and explains to him that whoever is bitten by the snake only needs to look at the copper serpent and it will heal, meaning that the miracle here is even greater than talking to the rock. At first sight it seems like a Band-Aid solution that doesn't solve the problem of water or food, but when you understand the message that the big boss wanted to convey, you understand everything. The miracle came to remind the people of Israel that there is a solution to every problem, and faith is the first step to a solution.

There is not a single principal or manager who has not experienced difficulties in their career or studies on the way to their key position. So often we doubt ourselves and our abilities, descend on ourselves and devalue us, and as a result, our abilities are also impaired. So what's the key to the solution? Self-belief and a positive attitude. It may sound cliché, but in order for employees and customers to believe in our company, product or solution, we must be the first to believe in it.

Avi Sadka is a LinkedIn expert for companies and organizations

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