The Limited Times

"Bibi" Netanyahu accelerates colonization of Palestinian territories

6/28/2023, 6:17:23 PM

Highlights: A recent event illustrates the impasse into which the settlement policy of the West Bank is leading the country. Eliav Elbaz, a high-ranking commander of a prestigious unit, visited the city of Yad Binyamin to offer his condolences to the family of one of the Israeli victims. But the officer could not enter the house: to the cries of "murderer!" Young extremist settlers denied him access. They blamed the soldier for trying to arrest some of them while they were attacking a Palestinian village.

REPORT - Very clear about his ambition to increase from 500,000 to 1 million settlers, the Minister of Finance, the Jewish supremacist Bezalel Smotrich, has just obtained the necessary tools for his project.

Correspondent in Jerusalem.

In Israel, where the army enjoys an unwavering popularity rating, a recent event has hit public opinion. It took place on Monday and illustrates the impasse into which the settlement policy of the West Bank is leading the country. On that day, Eliav Elbaz, a high-ranking commander of a prestigious unit operating in the West Bank, visited the city of Yad Binyamin to offer his condolences to the family of one of the Israeli victims of the June 20 attack, which set fire to the area.

But the officer could not enter the house: to the cries of "murderer!" Young extremist settlers denied him access. They blamed the soldier for trying to arrest some of them while they were attacking a Palestinian village, in retaliation for the attack.

This case had such an impact that it ended up on the top of the pile at an emergency meeting held Wednesday by the Prime Minister...

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