The Limited Times

"It's chilling but necessary": Flavie Flament talks about this shocking documentary on gynecological violence

6/28/2023, 4:17:11 PM

Highlights: Flavie Flament presents "Spread the legs: investigation on gynecological violence" A shock show aired tonight at 21 p.m. on Teva followed by a debate supervised by the host. Dr. Bellaïch-Allart, gynecologist and president of the National College of the profession, deemed the documentary "incriminating" "I want to do a lot of things, I'm a great greedy of experiences," she describes herself without hiding that "coming back to television titillates her"

FIGARO LIVE - Guest of the "Buzz TV", the host came to present "Spread the legs", an investigation followed by a debate that she will bring to the screen tonight from 21 pm on the Teva channel.

"To talk about this kind of thing, sometimes you have to be a little stunned. It can disturb, seem violent but we must approach this subject in a frontal way, "defends Flavie Flament evoking the title of the documentary "Spread the legs: investigation on gynecological violence". A shock show aired tonight at 21 p.m. on Teva followed by a debate supervised by the host. A committed evening whose subject can be "chilling, quite confusing but whose treatment is necessary".

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This documentary on gynaecological and obstetrical violence features raw testimonies of women who have experienced hell during consultations or childbirth. "I almost died", "pain so unbearable that we can not even scream", "I could not breathe", we can hear. A situation that, according to a study, has already happened to one in three women. Through this investigation of about fifty minutes, the committed journalist also hopes that doctors "become aware", as is already the case of some practitioners.

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During the evening, Dr. Bellaïch-Allart, gynecologist and president of the National College of the profession did not hide her disagreement with the documentary that she deemed "incriminating". According to her, her colleagues have "simply a lack of empathy" and even considers that the women victims "are simply disappointed to have suffered during childbirth and that they report their disappointment to the practitioner".

"For me, it's important to hear from everyone. However, I do not criticize his position. I wanted her to be there," says the guest of the "Buzz TV", while adding that "the victims remain the first experts of the tragedies they have experienced". In the course of this debate, no man was present. Yet 60% of gynecologists are men. "They refused to come, they are conspicuous by their absence. This says a lot about their commitment against this violence," says the journalist, hoping that the situation will change profoundly.

As when she had actively defended, during a ministerial mission, the request to extend the statute of limitations for rape committed against minors. A cause that echoes her book The Consolation published seven years ago where she tells her rape when she was a teenager. Now, the journalist acknowledges that "her whole life has changed" since she "pointed the finger at her rapist and denounced an injustice of French law".

Flavie Flament has no shortage of news with her daily show "Jour D", on RTL from 20pm to 21pm, new radio challenges to come for weekends, a next novel to write this summer... A busy program in short that does not seem to slow down the journalist. "I want to do a lot of things, I'm a great greedy of experiences," she describes herself without hiding that "coming back to television titillates her". If he was given carte blanche? The presenter would settle on the grid with an appointment "at lunchtime, a melting pot, with a bunch of columnists". On the safe side...