The Limited Times

"Miner killed in Nanterre: French tragedy"

6/28/2023, 6:28:41 PM

Highlights: France is a state governed by the rule of law, and it is up to the courts to pronounce the sanction. Justice is not a screenshot; it is she, not Emmanuel Macron, who will determine whether the homicidal act of this policeman is guilty. Would it be, why does it automatically trigger the conflagration of part of our suburbs? For police blunders, they are exemplary. Unequivocal vision of a Republic presumed guilty in the face of "youth"

THE EDITORIAL OF LE FIGARO - This tragedy of Nanterre, it is the secret fear that haunts all the rulers. In the generalized abandonment, the forces of order remain in the front line: it is a powder keg that awaits the spark.

"Nothing justifies the death of a young person," said the President of the Republic. This was the most basic expression of humanity. "Inexcusable," he continued, effectively condemning the policeman who killed young Nahel. Strange practice of the presumption of innocence. The images are terribly shocking, but justice is not a screenshot; it is she, not Emmanuel Macron, who will determine whether the homicidal act of this policeman is guilty. Would it be, why does it automatically trigger the conflagration of part of our suburbs? The France is a state governed by the rule of law, and it is up to the courts to pronounce the sanction. For police blunders, they are exemplary.

"Nothing justifies the burning of cars, schools, the antenna of a town hall," should have continued the guarantor of public order. He did not. His uncertain verb distances him from Nicolas Sarkozy and brings him closer to François Hollande. Unequivocal vision of a Republic presumed guilty in the face of "youth"...

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