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A Direct Plus poll conducted by the Likud states - Matan Deal wins in the first round in the city of Rehovot with 42% - voila! local

6/28/2023, 6:38:29 PM

Highlights: A Direct Plus poll conducted by the Likud in Rehovot tipped the scales, the Lkud chose to support Matan Deal. In response Rehovt Mayor Rachamim Malul established a new party. RachAmim Malum has served in his position since 2009 as a member of the Shas and Likuda factions. In the 2018 elections he was the only candidate and received 63% support. The LikUD party decided to support the upcoming elections by giving a deal headed by an independent list.

A Direct Plus poll conducted by the Likud in Rehovot tipped the scales, the Likud chose to support Matan Deal, in response Rehovot Mayor Rachamim Malul established a new party

Rachamim Malul, one of Israel's longest-serving mayors, has served in his position since 2009 as a member of the Shas and Likud factions, in the past also served as a Knesset member for Shas, in the 2018 elections he was the only candidate and received 63% support.

In the 2023 elections, the Likud party decided to withdraw its support for Mercy from the coop following the results of a poll conducted in June by Shlomo Filber's Direct Pulse company.

According to the results of the poll, if the elections were held today, Matan Deal wins the first round in the city of Rehovot with 42%, followed by Zohar Blum with 21%, Rachamim Malul with only 17%, and Yaniv Markowitz with only 7%.

Following the results of the poll, the Likud party informed Rachamim Malul that it would not support him for mayor. Subsequently, the Likud party decided to support the upcoming elections by giving a deal headed by an independent list.

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Rachamim Malul, Mayor of Rehovot(Photo: official website, photo: Rami Zarenger)

An analysis of the survey results shows that Matan Deal enjoys the support of 45% of Likud supporters in the streets, 50% supporters of the state camp, and even among traditional Sabbath-observant residents receives support of 54%.

In a head-to-head battle, Matan Deal defeats Mercy Malul by 64% for Matan Deal and only 19% for Mercy Malul.

If no decision is reached in the first round, the leading candidate to advance to the second round is Matan Deal with 77%.
Zohar Blum of Yesh Atid with 55% and Rachamim Malul with 38%. On the question of suitability for mayor, Matan Deal gets 60%, while Malul gets only 33%.

Matan Deal, supported by the Likud in the elections in the streets (Photo: official website, photo: Reuven Kapuchinsky)

In response to the withdrawal of Likud support, Mayor Rahamim Malul announced the formation of a bipartisan faction. After running on behalf of the Likud faction in all the elections, Malul recently decided to announce the establishment of a bipartisan faction called "Unity."

Mayor Rachamim Malul: "Like all the people of Israel, I too in recent months have felt that the social and political division threatens us as a society and as a state, and that processes taking place at the national level threaten to penetrate and permeate local politics, and undermine the unique social fabric in the city of Rehovot, with its partnership, brotherhood and social solidarity."

Rahamim Malul's election campaign, Unity (Photo: official website, photo: Election Headquarters)

"This is the first time in my political career that I feel that party affiliation is at my disadvantage, and threatens to make it difficult for me to continue leading based on 'love thy neighbor – even if he is not like you.'
Therefore, in order to do as much as I can, to preserve the special fabric of life in the city and not allow evil winds to seep into us, it is necessary to establish an apolitical and non-partisan body that will represent all the populations of the city, will meet your daily needs of residents and residents, regardless of political affiliation.

My feeling that a bipartisan faction is needed at this time, a company for whispers and political programming that has been employed in recent weeks in the Likud faction by a Likud activist who is running for mayor – is what decided in my heart to set out and establish the Unity faction."

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