The Limited Times

A K deputy and gubernatorial candidate said that the Massa-Rossi formula 'is like in the 90s, you eat what you have'

6/28/2023, 5:57:12 PM

Highlights: The election of Sergio Massa as candidate for president of the Nation for Union for the Fatherland did not go down well in La Cámpora. The most Kirchnerist of all the sectors that are part of the coalition. "It's like in the 90s. You eat what you have, it's like that," said Marcos Cleri, the main reference of that organization in Santa Fe. Andrés "Cuervo" Larroque called "to vote the presidential list" composed of Massa and Agustín Rossi.

Marcos Cleri, La Cámpora's main reference in Santa Fe, also said that his favorite was Wado De Pedro.

The election of Sergio Massa as candidate for president of the Nation for Union for the Fatherland did not go down well in La Cámpora, the most Kirchnerist of all the sectors that are part of the coalition. This was made clear by Marcos Cleri, the main reference of that organization in Santa Fe: "It's like in the 90s. You eat what you have, it's like that."

"It is the formula of unity that Cristina built, with the responsibility of this moment. One always wants to choose Cristina, Néstor or one of our colleagues. We are part of a project, Eduardo Wado De Pedro was our candidate for president if there was Paso, "said the national deputy and pre-candidate for governor in dialogue with La Capital.

That the decision has come from Cristina is what relieves some of the tension in La Cámpora, although a large part of its members do not agree with the Massa-Rossi duo.

"Sometimes you choose what to eat and other times you eat what you have," Cleri added in the same vein Tuesday in an interview with Aire de Santa Fe.

This Wednesday, Andrés "Cuervo" Larroque, referent of La Cámpora in the province of Buenos Aires, called "to vote the presidential list" composed of Sergio Massa and Agustín Rossi, despite being left out of the lists of Union for the Fatherland. It is the first time he has spoken since the new presidential ticket was announced.

"Out of institutional, political and social responsibility with our people, Peronism has formed a formula of unity that will represent us in the next elections headed by Sergio Massa and Agustín Rossi for president and vice president and Axel Kicillof and Verónica Magario for governor and vice governor," Larroque said at the beginning of a statement.

In the official text, which was shared on his Twitter account, the Buenos Aires official came out to openly support the presidential formula: "We call to vote on the list of Union for the Fatherland."

Larroque was one of those who paid for his intransigence so that Cristina Kirchner reviewed her decision not to be a candidate for anything. The former secretary general of La Cámpora never agreed with the camporista pressure for Kicillof to rise to the top of the ballot, questioned the power of Máximo Kirchner and was left out of the list of deputies.

"The Raven defied Maximus and got into a strategy of 'plan A or death', in which whoever proposed something different was almost a traitor. Since May 25 he was left out of the discussions, "said a Buenos Aires ally of La Cámpora, who stayed up late in La Plata last Saturday to follow the closure.

Meanwhile, as Clarín was able to find out, from the kidney of Máximo Kirchner they assured that they will go "to full with Massa", anticipating that La Cámpora in the coming days will begin to work the campaign and discouraging speculation.

See also

Máximo Kirchner weighed his power in the closure of the Province and the promoters of the "operative clamor" were relegated

Cristina Kirchner, fired up with the intern: fulminated Alberto Fernández, disqualified Victoria Tolosa Paz and told behind the scenes of the closing of lists