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A son kills his mother and wounds his father in the Madrid municipality of Daganzo de Arriba: "Screams and scandal were heard"

6/28/2023, 4:28:06 PM

Highlights: The woman, 56, had eight stab wounds to the trunk and back, and the husband, 69, a minor stab wound to the abdomen. The event occurred in a single-family house at number 1 of El Gallardo Español street in Daganzo de Arriba. The Civil Guard rules out that it is a case of gender violence and considers that "the alleged perpetrator of the crime is the son" The alleged parricide arrested has a history and was under medical treatment.

The woman, 56, had eight stab wounds to the trunk and back, and the husband, 69, a minor stab wound to the abdomen.

A 24-year-old man has stabbed his 56-year-old mother eight times, who died from her injuries. He has also attacked his father and husband of the deceased, 69, who has suffered a minor wound in the abdomen, and he himself had minor injuries to the hands. It happened in the early hours of the morning of this Wednesday at the family home, located in the Madrid municipality of Daganzo de Arriba. According to a spokeswoman for the Civil Guard, which investigates the facts, the alleged perpetrator of the crime is the son, who has been arrested and has been admitted to the psychiatric block of the Gregorio Marañón hospital, guarded by agents of the armed institute. The alleged parricide arrested has a history and was under medical treatment.

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The event occurred in a single-family house at number 1 of El Gallardo Español street in Daganzo de Arriba, in the east of the Community of Madrid and 10,520 inhabitants. Shortly before two in the morning, the neighbors of the family, of Spanish nationality, heard the father ask for help, so they called the emergency services.

The first call to the center of 112 occurred at 1.50, in which "they warned that in a home there was a woman who had suffered several stab wounds and who could be dead," details a spokesman for Emergencies Community of Madrid. The 112 has mobilized the Civil Guard, the Local Police and the Summa. The first to attend have been the agents of the Local Police, and later the members of the Civil Guard and the Summa 112. Upon arrival, the health workers have verified that in one of the rooms of the house was indeed the woman, "with eight stab wounds, already deceased and without the possibility of resuscitation." The stab wounds were concentrated in the woman's back.

The health workers have also treated the husband of the victim, who had "superficial wounds" by stab wounds in the abdomen. The man has been stabilized and transferred in mild condition to the hospital of Torrejón de Ardoz. In the house was the young son of the marriage, who had "cuts on both hands", which have required stitches, and has been taken to the Gregorio Marañón hospital also with a mild prognosis.

"The 112 has transferred a team of psychologists to attend to the man, who had a strong anxiety crisis," adds the spokesman. The Civil Guard, as detailed by a spokeswoman, rules out that it is a case of gender violence and considers that "the alleged perpetrator of the crime is the son", who has been arrested at the scene. The alleged parricide "is admitted to the psychiatric block of Gregorio Marañón," guarded by agents of the armed institute. The removal of the woman's body took place early in the morning.

The spokeswoman has specified that the young man has a police record, but for a crime of damage to vehicles. "In Madrid there is no record of aggression against parents," says the Civil Guard. In addition, he was under medical treatment, it is unknown since when or if he took any medication. The main hypothesis that the researchers shuffle, "most likely", is that the young man suffered some kind of psychotic break, although "we must wait" for the doctors who "determine what type of disorder or mental illness" has led him to attack his parents. Investigators hope that it is the father who will shed light on what happened in the family villa. Although he is not seriously injured, he is "in shock."

In the City Council of Daganzo de Arriba everything is silence. A spokeswoman delegates all information about the case to the Civil Guard. "We do not know yet if we are going to have a minute of silence," a municipal spokesman simply commented. In the street of the Gallardo Español only the song of the sparrows is heard this morning among the townhouses. The neighbors have the blinds down and do not go out to the street, either because of the midday heat or to preserve their privacy, since they do not answer the phone either. Three civil guards guard the first townhouse of the street.

Only a neighbor at the other end of the street wanted to speak, to say that "he knew the young man from waiting with him at the bus stop." Pilar, who does not want to give his last name and who is visiting number 6 of the street of crime, woke up around four in the morning: "You could hear screams and scandal, but I did not dare to peek, you know, these situations are very scary." He did not go back to sleep until "hour and peak later", after the arrival of the Civil Guard and ambulances.

In Ultramarinos Bravo, at number 40 Calle de Oriente, the crime has been committed all morning. This is how the clerk, Maximo, who knew the family by sight, has learned: "The mother sometimes came to buy or saw them walking in front of the store." Máximo affirms that his hair stands on end: "I had no idea that the kid had that problem, let's see how the father stays now."

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