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Against the backdrop of stormy demonstrations: Netanyahu convenes small ministerial discussion on "restrictions in public spaces" | Israel Hayom

6/28/2023, 8:38:09 PM

Highlights: PM to meet this morning with several ministers, including Ben-Gvir and Levin. The goal: examining tools to protect the security of ministers and MKs in the face of attacks by demonstrators and other threats. Government officials: "This is not about limiting legitimate demonstrations" Among the ministers invited to the discussion were Justice Minister Yariv Levin and National Security Minister Itamar Ben- Gvir. The hearing will take place at 10:00 a.m., and is titled "Restrictions in Public Space"

Following the stormy demonstration in front of Minister Levin's residence: PM to meet this morning with several ministers, including Ben-Gvir and Levin The goal: examining tools to protect the security of ministers and MKs in the face of attacks by demonstrators and other threats Government officials: "This is not about limiting legitimate demonstrations"

Following this week's vehement demonstration by opponents of the reform in front of Minister Levin's house, and following additional threats received against ministers and MKs: Prime Minister Netanyahu is expected to convene a limited discussion Thursday morning with the participation of several ministers, which, according to information provided to their offices, is titled "Restrictions in Public Space."

Israel Hayom has learned that the hearing, which will take place at 10:00 a.m., is expected to examine legal tools for dealing with attacks by demonstrators against ministers, Knesset members and senior officials, as well as other threats that have recently arisen regarding the safety of elected officials. Among the ministers invited to the discussion were Justice Minister Yariv Levin and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.

Burning Tires: Demonstration | Jonathan Shaul

Government sources familiar with the details told Israel Hayom that the discussion was intended to deal with tools for dealing with personal attacks against ministers and MKs, which they claim are "crossing the line" and which have recently increased alongside other threats they receive, rather than "limiting legitimate demonstrations."

As an example, the sources cited the physical attacks experienced by Nir Barkat, the megaphone incident with MK Simcha Rotman, and especially the demonstration held this week against Levin, during which the access road to his street was blocked and tires were burned. Six people were arrested at this demonstration, but all were later released.

Attacked all the time. Prime Minister Netanyahu at a meeting of the Likud faction, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

"It's not just words anymore"

At a faction meeting about a month ago, Likud MKs and ministers complained that they "cannot move around freely, the protest has crossed reasonable limits." Party members complained that the protests were chasing them everywhere, and that they were constantly being attacked.

MK Yuli Edelstein said: "It's not just words for a long time. They're getting closer to the face, and I don't know how I would have gotten through it without security. We have to start a discussion about it." Minister Ofir Akunis added that his neighbors are trying to expel him from his Tel Aviv neighborhood: "They left me a note on the car window - 'You are not welcome here.'"

Earlier this week, Itzik Medina, an activist in the Brothers in Arms organization protesting the legal revolution, was taken for questioning by the police and detained for several hours. According to the police, Medina was detained as part of an examination of information received regarding suspected violent intentions. According to security sources, the reason for the investigation is information that the Shin Bet provided to the police, according to which it allegedly planned violent activity against public figures.

While he was being interrogated, dozens of demonstrators arrived at the Petah Tikva station carrying Israeli flags and calling for his release. After his release, Medina said: "I've been accused of planning to harm public figures, I'm not threatening anyone."

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