The Limited Times

Aníbal Lotocki broke the silence on Silvina Luna's case and said: 'I am not a plastic surgeon'

6/28/2023, 11:37:15 PM

Highlights: Aníbal Lotocki spoke on Telenoche (El Trece, at 20), the newscast hosted by Nelson Castro and Dominique Metzger. The doctor who in 2011 did an aesthetic treatment to Silvina Luna that caused hypercalcemia and kidney failure, defended himself. "I am a surgeon, I am not a plastic surgeon," he said. The model and actress is in serious condition in the intensive care of the Italian Hospital, where she is being treated.

While Silvina Luna is in serious condition, the doctor who did the aesthetic treatment that generated her kidney problem, spoke on Telenoche.

Aníbal Lotocki broke the silence on Telenoche (El Trece, at 20), the newscast hosted by Nelson Castro and Dominique Metzger. This is the doctor who in 2011 did an aesthetic treatment to Silvina Luna that caused hypercalcemia and kidney failure. The model and actress is in serious condition in the intensive care of the Italian Hospital,

In dialogue with the Telenoche hosts, Aníbal Lotocki said: "I am a surgeon, I am not a plastic surgeon," when asked by Nelson Castro. "Do you inform the patients?" the journalist insisted. "They know it because we say it on every TV show we go to," Lotocki replied.

Aníbal Lotocki spoke on Telenoche while Silvina Luna is in intensive care. Capture TV.

In reference to the situation of Silvina Luna, he said that "on television there was a lot of talk" about the treatment he did with methacrylate. "In2016, the forensic medical corps determined that the procedure I performed with methacrylate is not related to his kidney problem," Lotocki defended himself.

"It is a product that is approved by ANMAT, has a clinical test that determines that it does not produce any disease," said Lotocki in reference to methacrylate and assured that it is accepted that it be placed in the buttocks.

Aníbal Lotocki: "Silvina Luna knew what she was going to be placed"

Dominique Metzger told the doctor that he had many cases in which patients say he ended up doing things to them that they didn't ask for. "Silvina Luna came to have a buttock augmentation and improve her silhouette," Lotocki said. "Patients ask for what they want and you suggest them, but they decide," he added.

Aníbal Lotocki: "Silvina Luna knew what she was going to get." Capture TV.

Then, the doctor said that "Silvina Luna knew what was going to be placed. In fact, it came later for a second application."

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