The Limited Times

Atos: Chairman of the Board of Directors saves his place

6/28/2023, 4:07:33 PM

Highlights: Bertrand Meunier, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Atos saved his place, as did the directors Aminata Niane and Vernon Sankey. Shareholders rejected all dissenting resolutions filed by Sycomore Asset Management and its allies. The appointment of Leo Apotheker, former CEO of HP and SAP, was also rejected. The meeting lasted nearly four hours, with 66% of voters rejecting resolution A concerning Bertrand Me unier. The resolution had called for the dismissal of BertrandMeunier and two other long-time directors.

At the end of a tense general meeting that lasted nearly four hours, Bertrand Meunier, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Atos, saved...

At the end of a tense general meeting that lasted nearly four hours, Bertrand Meunier, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Atos saved his place, as did the directors Aminata Niane and Vernon Sankey. Shareholders rejected all dissenting resolutions filed by Sycomore Asset Management and its allies. Resolution A concerning Bertrand Meunier was rejected by 66% of voters.
The appointment of Leo Apotheker, former CEO of HP and SAP was also rejected.

Denouncing a malfunctioning of the group's governance and a balance sheet described as "catastrophic", Sycomore AM had filed four resolutions, calling for the dismissal of Bertrand Meunier, Chairman of the Board since 2019 and director since 2008, and two other long-time directors, Aminata Niane and Vernon Sankey. Sycomore AM pushed for the appointment of Léo Apotheker, former boss of HP and SAP and current director at Schneider Electric.