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Better late than never: Mother who protected autistic son from arrest indicted | Israel Hayom

6/28/2023, 3:47:32 PM

Highlights: Two years ago, the mother was arrested after she tried to prevent the police from arresting her son, who suffers from autism. The boy was suspected of being involved in several arson attacks in the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem. Public Defender: "Aggressive behavior by police officers who do not exercise discretion and the necessary degree of humanity" It took a long time for the police prosecution to agree to reexamine their position, says Public Defender Moria Sasson, who accepted the request to have the indictment dropped.

Two years ago, the mother was arrested after she tried to prevent the police from arresting her son, who suffers from autism after he was suspected of being involved in several arson attacks in the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem • Public Defender: "Aggressive behavior by police officers who do not exercise discretion and the necessary degree of humanity"

It took the police about two years to come to their senses and drop an indictment filed against the mother of a boy on the autistic spectrum for obstructing a police officer and using force, after she tried to prevent the police from arresting her son.

According to the indictment, about two years ago there were seven fire incidents in various locations in the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem. Police officers arrived at the scene and caught a boy who was pointed out by other youths as the person who started the fire, and Officer Daniel put him in a patrol car. Within a short time, the boy's mother arrived and asked that her son, who suffers from autism, be released, and even tried to open the door of the patrol car.

Police arrest mother of autistic teenager in Jerusalem after she tried to prevent her son's arrest

Autism (illustration), photo: Gettyimages

A lot of commotion ensued, and neighbors gathered in the area. When the boy managed to escape from the patrol car, the mother quickly walked away. The officers approached her and asked her for identification information, but she continued on her way, cursing and shouting at the officers and even knocking her sunglasses off the policewoman's face, who informed her of her arrest and tried to handcuff her.

The mother, who did not give up, managed to free herself from the policewoman's hands and moved several steps away from her. The officers again approached the defendant, who sat down on the floor and began kicking and pushing the officers with her hands and feet. The defendant was put into the police car, lay down on the back seat and kicked the policeman and the female officer.

Public Defender (Archive),

After the indictment was filed, Defense Attorney Moria Sasson of the Public Defender's Office began negotiations with the Police Prosecution Unit, which recently decided to withdraw the indictment, noting that in accordance with the special circumstances in the case, while taking into account the personal characteristics of the defendant and her son, it was agreed to withdraw the indictment. Judge Avichai Doron, who accepted the request, ordered the indictment dropped.

Attorney Moria Sasson said in response: "This is an outrageous case in which a mother of small children who is called out to protect her autistic son, encounters aggressive behavior by police officers who do not exercise discretion and a necessary degree of humanity and leaves the incident with serious injuries and a lack of trust in the authorities. It took a long time for the police prosecution to agree to reexamine their position. I welcome the fact that they ultimately decided to withdraw charges in this difficult case."

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