The Limited Times

Brussels draws the contours of the future digital euro

6/28/2023, 4:39:45 PM

Highlights: European Commission proposes regulation to regulate the future digital euro. Envisaged for two years by the European Central Bank (ECB), this new digital currency would allow to preserve the dominance of public currency. Put to the test in recent years by craze for cryptocurrencies and by Facebook's private currency project, Libra, finally abandoned, the European Commission and the ECB think they are holding their breath for the time being. This article is for subscribers only. You still have 66% to discover.Offer available until June 29.

DECRYPTION - This dematerialized currency, complementary to cash, aimed to counter the rise of cryptocurrencies.



Having a recharged euro digital wallet on your phone, or other device, will be the same as having coins and bills in your pocket. You will be able to pay just as easily and you won't even need an internet connection," European Commission Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis said on Wednesday at the presentation of a proposal for a regulation to regulate the future digital euro. Envisaged for two years by the European Central Bank (ECB), this new digital currency would allow, if the realization is validated by the ECB by October, to preserve the dominance of public currency in a context of competition from private currencies and digitalization of payments. Put to the test in recent years by the craze for cryptocurrencies and by Facebook's private currency project, Libra, finally abandoned, the European Commission and the ECB think they are holding their...

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