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Burning bins, throwing stones and damaging the light rail: Riots in ultra-Orthodox protests in Jerusalem and Beit Shemesh | Israel Hayom

6/28/2023, 8:07:35 PM

Highlights: Ultra-Orthodox demonstrations in Jerusalem and Beit Shemesh deteriorated into riots and damage to property. The protesters clashed with police and Border Police forces, and three suspects have been arrested so far. A policewoman was lightly injured by a stone thrown at her, hitting her upper body. The riot in Jerusalem began as a protest against the construction of the light rail. The police report that hundreds of demonstrators are participating in protests in the city of Beit Hermesh, blocking lanes of travel with burning garbage cans.

In Jerusalem, the demonstration began as part of the protest against the light rail; In Beit Shemesh as a demonstration against ultra-Orthodox reporting to the recruitment offices • Three demonstrators have been arrested so far • A policewoman was lightly injured by a stone thrown

Ultra-Orthodox demonstrations in Jerusalem and Beit Shemesh on Wednesday evening deteriorated into riots and damage to property. The protesters clashed with police and Border Police forces, and three suspects have been arrested so far.

The riot in Jerusalem began as a protest against the construction of the light rail. During a demonstration at the Ministers of Israel-Kings of Israel intersection, garbage cans placed in the middle of the road were set on fire, demonstrators dispersed after police and Border Police arrived at the scene.

Later, at a demonstration on Bar Ilan Street, street fences were damaged, and protesters entered the light rail work site, threw stones and bottles at police and Border Police forces, some of whom physically confronted the officers.

Night of riots in Jerusalem and Beit Shemesh // Police Spokesperson's Office

In the city of Beit Shemesh, protests are still taking place and the police report that hundreds of demonstrators are participating. According to the police, stones, objects and lanes of travel are blocked with burning garbage cans. A policewoman was lightly injured by a stone thrown at her, hitting her upper body.

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