The Limited Times

Called MK a "neo-Nazi" and wished a young Jewish man to die: This is MK Kasif's punishment - voila! news

6/28/2023, 4:47:55 PM

Highlights: The Knesset Ethics Committee imposed a punishment on MK Kasif after determining that he had severely violated the rules of ethics. Among the complaints filed against him, he encouraged a boycott of Israel and told a Likud MK, "Go rape another one" In light of the committee's decision to remove him, the State Prosecutor's Office intends to indict Kasif for assaulting a policeman at a demonstration held in May 2022. Last March, the attorney general announced that she would file charges pending a hearing against Kasif.

The Knesset Ethics Committee imposed a punishment on MK Kasif after determining that he had severely violated the rules of ethics. Among the complaints filed against him, he encouraged a boycott of Israel and told a Likud MK, "Go rape another one."

In the video: "Go rape another one", "a pathetic terrorist supporter": a sharp confrontation in the Knesset Education Committee (Knesset channel)

The Knesset Ethics Committee decided today (Wednesday) to ban MK Ofer Kasif from Knesset committee meetings for a period of one month - starting tomorrow and until the end of the summer session of the 25th Knesset. The decision to remove him came after it was determined that he had seriously violated ethics. Accordingly, Kasif will be able to participate only in votes held in committees.

Several complaints were filed against Kasif. One of them is the complaint of MK Ariel Kellner of the Likud party, whom Kasif called a "neo-Nazi." Another complaint was filed against him by a citizen who claimed that Kasif published a post about his meeting with a member of the Belgian Workers' Party in which he praised the city council's decision to "boycott Israel as long as the occupation and fascisation continue."

Ofer Kasif, May 1, 2023 (Photo: Reuven Castro)

In addition, MKs Hanoch Milwicki, Limor Son Har Melech and Yitzhak Kreuzer complained that while Kasif was returning from a demonstration in the Old City of Jerusalem, he called out to a young man "soon at your place" after he told him that his friend had been murdered there. Milwicki also complained against Kasif when, during an argument in the Knesset Education Committee, Kasif told him, "Go rape another one," referring to accusations made against him in the past by a complainant who claimed Milwicki sexually assaulted her.

In light of the committee's decision to remove him, the State Prosecutor's Office intends to indict Kasif for assaulting a policeman at a demonstration held in May 2022 in the South Hebron Hills. Last March, the attorney general announced that she would file charges pending a hearing against Kasif. At the demonstration, which took place in a closed military zone, an argument developed over Kasif's permission to enter the demonstration site, at the end of which Kasif got into his car and began driving slowly until he hit a policeman who was blocking his path in the leg. In response, the policeman hit the hood of the MK's car and shouted at him. Then, according to suspicions, Kasif got out of his car and hit the policeman in the head.

  • news
  • Political-Political


  • Ofer Kassif
  • Ethics Committee
  • Exclusion
  • Knesset Israel