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Chief of Staff on nationalist crime: "An officer who stands by cannot be an officer" - voila! news

6/28/2023, 3:57:11 PM

Highlights: IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevy spoke again on Wednesday about the settler riots in Palestinian villages. Halevy: "Even an after-the-fact apology does not cancel the great damage caused" Defense Minister Yoav Galant: "Dragging the IDF and its commanders into argument and disagreement is a slippery slope that endangers the existence of the State of Israel" Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: "There is no room for refusal, neither on one side nor on the other"

Halevi referred to the settler riots in the Palestinian villages, saying that "anyone who lashes out at the IDF should remember: even an after-the-fact apology does not cancel the great damage caused." Prime Minister Netanyahu: "There is no room for refusal." Galant: "The threats to stop volunteering endanger the IDF's competence"

Live: Graduation ceremony for combat officers on land (Photo: IDF Spokesperson)

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevy spoke again on Wednesday about the settler riots in Palestinian villages that have taken place in recent days, as well as the attacks on the IDF and its commanders, as heard from several senior coalition officials, government ministers and certain circles among residents of Judea and Samaria.

"Terrorism and its harsh consequences lead some people to do morally and legally forbidden acts," Halevy said. "An officer who sees an Israeli citizen intending to throw a Molotov cocktail at a Palestinian house and stands by cannot be an officer. This is our way, this is our strength here compared to the complex region in which we live and we must not erode it," he added. He made the remarks in a speech he gave at the graduation ceremony of the combat officers' course on land, and received applause from the audience.

The chief of staff also said, referring to the attacks on the IDF and its senior officials against the background of the events in Judea and Samaria, that "anyone who lashes out at the IDF should remember: even an apology after the fact does not cancel the great damage caused." According to Halevy, "The IDF acts solely for the security of civilians, hence its authority. Lashing out at those who dedicate their lives to defend harms the security of citizens."

"Whoever lashes out at the IDF - even an apology does not cancel the damage caused." Chief of Staff Halevi (Photo: screenshot, IDF Spokesperson)

"We must all stand together to defend our country. There is not and will not be room for refusal – neither on this side nor on any side. We have one state, we have one army and we have one home," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in his speech.

Defense Minister Yoav Galant added: "Dragging the IDF and its commanders into argument and disagreement is a slippery slope that endangers the existence of the State of Israel." "We must not allow anyone to use the IDF as a battering tool in political campaigns or as part of inciting statements by unnamed people."

"The calls for refusal and the threats to stop volunteering jeopardize his competence," he said. "Anyone who calls for refusal is not acting as part of a legitimate protest; his call is harming the most important thing we have – the security of the State of Israel. It is our duty, as a society that desires life, to protect the IDF above and outside of any dispute," he added.

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Peaceful protest at officers' course graduation ceremony, officers' parents turned their backs during Netanyahu's speech (Photo: Avi Rokach)

"There is no room for refusal, neither on one side nor on the other." Netanyahu (Screenshot, IDF Spokesperson)

"The calls for refusal and the threats to stop volunteering endanger the IDF's competence." Galant (Photo: screenshot, IDF Spokesperson)

It should be noted that on Monday, Minister of Settlements and Minister of National Missions Orit Struk (Religious Zionism) referred to the joint statement issued by IDF Chief of Staff Halevi, Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai and Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar, in which they called the settler riots in Judea and Samaria "nationalist terrorism."

"The chief of staff, the police commissioner and the head of the Shin Bet issued a joint statement on Jewish nationalist terrorism. Who are you, Wagner Force?" said Minister Strzok. "Who are you to make such an announcement under the government's nose? Will they preach morality to us? I am against these events, but it is a shame and a disgrace to call it nationalist terrorism," she added. At the end of the interview, Minister Strzok emphasized that she appreciated the heads of the defense establishment for their activity, but reiterated that they had made a mistake in their conduct in recent days vis-à-vis the settlers.

Brigade Commander Benjamin came to console one of the families of the victims of the attack near Ali and was verbally assaulted (use under section 27A of the Copyright Law)

Later, the minister posted a tweet apologizing for using the phrase "Wagner power." According to her, its use was wrong. "He entered the conversation because of his presence in the news discourse, but completely inappropriate.Forgiveness and forgiveness," she wrote, adding: "I do not retract my substantive criticism that the heads of our security apparatus, dedicated and admirable as they are, are not supposed to be moral preachers."

Later that day, Brigade Commander Eliav Elbaz was verbally assaulted by Israeli civilians who were present at the condolence of the family of Harel Massoud, who was murdered in the Ali attack last week. "Murderer, you murdered Massoud," those present shouted at him, among others. Following the calls, Elbaz left.

  • news
  • Military & Security


  • Herzi Halevy
  • Idf
  • Settlers
  • Judea and Samaria
  • Benjamin Netanyahu
  • Yoav Galant