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Dating: TF1 dares seduction in prime time

6/28/2023, 4:08:05 PM

Highlights: TF1 has been a forerunner in dating shows with programs like "Greg the Millionaire", "Love is blind", "Who wants to marry my son" or "The island of temptation" The channel will launch, indeed, at the beginning of the next school year, a new and prime-time dating show. "My mother, your father, love and me" will follow eight single parents aged between 40 and 50 who are looking for love. "Time to love" is a new reality TV program, soon to air on TFX.

The channel will offer, among other things, a new program in which children try to fit their parents.

TF1 has been a forerunner in dating shows with programs like "Greg the Millionaire", "Love is blind", "Who wants to marry my son" or "The island of temptation".
But, in recent years, the channel has moved away from this type of program, preferring to highlight other genres of entertainment such as "Koh-Lanta" or "The Voice". Over time, M6 has taken over in the field of dating shows with the successes of "L'amour est dans le pré" or "Mariés au premier regard". TF1 now intends to return to the race.

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It will launch, indeed, at the beginning of the next school year, a new and prime-time dating show. A first for the channel which until then broadcast this kind of program only in the second part of the evening. Called "My mother, your father, love and me" and presented by Hélène Mannarino, this appointment will follow eight single parents aged between 40 and 50 who are looking for love and will be helped in this task by experts... who will be none other than their own children, young adults. But they obviously don't know that. "The program is funny because we have this generational gap between parents and children who are sometimes dismayed and sometimes amused by flirting techniques. We will have our share of romances with parents who are really there to find love. We're going to change their lives," explains Julien Degroote, head of development and creation of stream shows on TF1.

A reality show that takes the time

The TF1 group will also position itself next season on reality TV with the broadcast of "Time to love". In this French creation, which will be offered daily on TFX, singles will try to find love in a new way.
"Studies have shown that, on dating applications, singles will make a choice in less than five seconds only on the physical, continues Julien Degroote. So, we wondered how to create a dating that will counter all these things, where we will be in a long time and where we will not rely on the physical? ». With all this, we imagined this show, a new experience with an extraordinary device, a wheel of love to blindly date up to eight suitors. »

"Time to love" is a new reality TV program, soon to air on TFX. TF1

Single women, who stay together in an apartment during the shooting, all benefit from a credit of 100 hours to talk and discuss with their aspirants (who are sometimes the same...). They will sometimes be able to meet them in the dark and touch their faces to try to discover them a little more. At the end of these 100 hours, they will choose the one that suits them best and will finally be able to see it in real life. "What's nice about this program is that singles talk to each other and flirt blindly for days and we, the viewers, are one step ahead because we see the suitors. The ambition is to renew all the codes of reality TV and to have a unique, original and totally fresh device. "concludes the head of development and creation of stream programs on TF1.