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IDF Chief of Staff Halevi: "An officer who sees an Israeli citizen throwing a Molotov cocktail at a Palestinian house and ignores it is unfit for duty" | Israel Hayom

6/28/2023, 3:47:54 PM

Highlights: IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevy spoke at the end of the combat officers' course at Bahad 1. He addressed developments in the various arenas and the complex security situation. "Lashing out at those who dedicate their lives to defending harms the security of civilians," Halevy noted regarding the riots in Judea and Samaria. To the graduates of the course, he said: "In every mission assigned to you, your values and professionalism will stand by your right" "The commander in the IDF leads by example,in command from the front," he said.

At the end of the officers' course, the Chief of Staff addressed developments in the various arenas and the complex security situation • "Lashing out at those who dedicate their lives to defending harms the security of civilians," Halevy noted regarding the riots in Judea and Samaria • To the graduates of the course, he said: "In every mission assigned to you, your values and professionalism will stand by your right."

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Galant, and against the background of the complex security situation in recent times: IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevy spoke at the end of the combat officers' course at Bahad 1 and discussed the latest developments in the various arenas. "An officer who sees an Israeli civilian, who intends to throw a Molotov cocktail at a Palestinian house and stands by, cannot be an officer."

The Chief of Staff spoke about his beginning as an officer: "I remember very well the feeling of transition at that moment. On the field, I was still a cadet mentored by his commanders and consulted with his comrades. A moment later, I was led into an ambush across the Lebanese border; A young officer, commanding a platoon, walks at night at the head of my men in enemy territory, and knows that I am responsible for whatever happens from now on. In the IDF, the commander follows the head of the force and his men after him.

"When we call 'after me,' we are following in the footsteps of Israel's ancient generals. Yehoshua Ben Nun, Ehud Ben Gera, Gideon and others. They always moved at the head of our people's warriors in all the great battles of the Bible. The Bible is also the origin of the word officer, which according to one interpretation means "to be at the edge," meaning to lead."

He added: "From the War of Independence until today, IDF commanders have led the forces fighting in battle, including platoon commanders, the youngest of the officers. In his book "On Containment" about the Golan Heights front in the Yom Kippur War, Aviram Barkai describes the platoon commanders of the One Hundred Eighty-Eighth Brigade (188): "Every young commander in the brigade was considered a great head, until they trusted him and others like him to repel any attempt by Syrian army units to come to war with Israel.

Cars burned in Lubban a-Sharqiya, photo: Arab networks

"The brigade commander knew that at the moment of the big test, the commanders would be able to cope out there, even if they were asked to do so as an independent unit. Chiefs of Staff in miniature." Every platoon commander who stormed in the Yom Kippur War did so as if the fate of the entire war depended on him. Every young officer whose commanders fell continued with the mission even if there was no one to tell him how."

Chief of Staff Halevy added: "Those who rescued the wounded put on their shoulders the weight of their comrades' bodies and also the weight of their responsibility as commanders – responsibility for the mission and the people. In that war, which broke out by surprise and exacted a heavy price in blood, the IDF managed to win thanks to the courage and resourcefulness of the commanders of combat platoons. They didn't ask, 'Is it my responsibility?' but simply understood that the leadership of a commander in battle means being in close contact – both with the enemy and with their subordinates."

"A commander is a personal example"

The Chief of Staff continued: "The IDF is a defensive army that wins thanks to the professionalism of its soldiers and the leadership of its commanders. The commander in the IDF leads by example,
in command from the front. When he is at the head of his subordinates – trusting them and them in him – he is never alone. Your most important test from now on is to be first. Move forward in the face of fire, and lead your men to the completion of the mission. This is the test for which the course you just completed has prepared you, and which you will now be required to take in all missions of border defense, counterterrorism
and war. Surrounding these missions you will also encounter complex challenges – terrorism and its harsh consequences lead some people to commit morally and legally forbidden acts. An officer who sees an Israeli civilian intending to throw a Molotov cocktail at a Palestinian house and stands by cannot be an officer. This is our way, this is our strength here compared to the complex region in which we live and we must not erode it.

Clashes in Jenin. Complex coping for officers in the field, photo: Arab networks

"Anyone who lashes out at the IDF should remember: even an after-the-fact apology does not cancel the great damage caused. The IDF acts solely for the security of civilians, hence its authority. Lashing out at those who dedicate their lives to protecting harms the security of citizens. Officers and female officers, in every task assigned to you, your values and professionalism will stand at your right. By your side will be mainly
your people, who are the most significant and valuable asset that will be entrusted to you. Set the bar high for them; Train them until they reach the necessary operational readiness; Get them used to taking responsibility, not being afraid to look at the truth, learn and improve; The good ones became excellent and the difficult ones – the good enough. Maintain their safety, with uncompromising enforcement of safety and discipline rules; Treat them equally, fairly and fairly, and take care of all their needs.
When you do all of these, your call 'after me' will be answered not only as a duty to carry out the mission, but as a privilege to participate in the defense of the home, and to follow in the footsteps of commanders who deserve it."

He added: "This is the art of command. Course commanders, during the course you taught the cadets command, professionalism and values. In each and every one of the officers there is now also something of you, your example and your combat experience. I greatly appreciate your work. Dear parents, the people's army is a reflection of the homes from which its soldiers come. All of you have educated sons and daughters to do for the sake of the state and the security of its citizens, and I would like to thank you for your part in encouraging them to serve in combat, volunteer as officers and command combatants in ground units. May there be more houses like yours in Israel."

Halevi referred to the verse on the wall in Bahad 1: "'From me you will see and you will do' – in light of Gideon's statement, we educate the new officers. Perhaps a tone of arrogance can be heard in her, as if he said, "I know, but this is not the case." Gideon's act is the essence of the most important act of command. Just before the battle breaks out, he says to his men: There, in battle, where the heart beats and uncertainty is high, look at me, and do as I do. Gideon understands the power of personal example, and thus instills confidence in his people. Dear graduates, the ranks that commanders just wore on your shoulders are symbols of the responsibility you receive today. From tomorrow, this responsibility will lead you at the head of your people. They rose and succeeded on the path of command, the way of those who read 'after me.'"

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