The Limited Times

Juan Grabois wrote a letter in which he is planted as an option of the 'dissatisfied' with the candidacy of Sergio Massa

6/28/2023, 7:49:15 PM

Highlights: "We are part of the thousands of dissatisfied within UxP with the formula headed by Massa," says Juan Grabois. "The system is powerful and you don't always know how it works," he adds. Grabois: "We fight so that this year the candidate for president will be a political son of 2001" "We want to give hope to the multitude that constitutes the only foundation of our political field," says Grabois in his letter to the public. "Our true strength lies in the hope and love that so many kids, young people, simple people who fight from the subsoil of the Homeland"

"The system is powerful and you don't always know how it works," said the social leader about the internal Union for the Fatherland and how they lowered the formula of Wado de Pedro.

Frontal as usual, the social leader of the Union of Workers of the Popular Economy and now presidential pre-candidate in Union for the Fatherland, Juan Grabois published an extensive letter -which he signs with his running mate, Paula Abal Medina-, in which he exposes his criticism of the binomial that integrates Sergio Massa and Agustín Rossi. his rivals in the official internal one.


We are part of the thousands of dissatisfied within UxP with the formula headed by Massa, "says Grabois in part of his letter.

"We benched Wado. Until the end. They took him down. The system is powerful and you don't always know how it works," he adds.

Juan Grabois' full letter on his presidential candidacy against Massa

To the compañeros and compañeras and whoever may be interested: The lists have already been made official and the ballot that we headed with Paula Abal Medina will be throughout the country. We do not seek this. We benched Wado. Until the end. They took him down. The system is powerful and you don't always know how it works.

We fight so that this year the candidate for president will be a political son of 2001 – unfailingly historical successors of the decimated generation. One of us who was born to militancy in the struggle against neoliberalism and misery, who forged our destiny together with the humble and the plundered people, who built a program of integral human development from the periphery to the center. That candidate was Wado. We were always our own plan B.

Now as a slogan of the campaign of the Justicialist Liberation Front (FREJULI) that defeated the gorilla dictatorship that outlawed General Perón for almost two decades said, "Go to the Front, or follow the Fund." We go to the front, to the Fund never.

We are part of the thousands of dissatisfied within UxP with the formula headed by Massa. Doubly dissatisfied with the way things turned out. We went out on the field, like this, in a hurry, but with enthusiasm, without fear and with the responsibility of representing the historical flags of those who preceded us in the struggle and carrying forward the ten programmatic points that we signed with Wado when this outcome was unimaginable.

Juan Grabois, pre-candidate for president of the ruling party. Photo Telam

We always agreed on the breadth of the coalition, never that the primacy in the political representation of our field is in the quadrant of power that from our point of view does not seek to express society ignored in its rights but to give tranquility to the privileged 1% and security to the markets. We want to give hope to the multitude that constitutes the only foundation of our political field: the construction of a real democracy that defends the rights of the 99%.

Start a match with the court tilted. Our rival has infinitely superior resources and means. We do not enjoy the sympathy of red circles or external powers. It's not going to be easy. But who says... Goliath doesn't always win, do you remember that story? With a rubber like the one kids use to play, the young peasant and poet beat the giant. What is the sling, our rubber band? Coherence, convictions, courage, creativity, ethical values and the strength of militancy.

In these days we receive the sympathy, sometimes silent, of thousands and thousands of men and women of the national-popular movement who recognize the coherence of having always done what we said and having always said what we think, of having put the body in the bad and not being the friends of the champion in the good ones. That's who we are. No more, no less.

But our true strength lies in the hope and love that so many kids, young people, simple people who fight from the subsoil of the Homeland, the farmers, the neighborhoods, the communities, the poor countryside and the free organizations of the people place in us.

Nothing is going to rob us of the genuine affection of women who, due to the proscription and permanent harassment of power, cannot exercise the popular representation that by legitimacy corresponds to them. Nor our recognition to Néstor and Cristina Kirchner who – with mistakes and successes – gave and did everything for the Homeland, for the laburantes and the poor people, more than anyone else in half a century of history, recovering the historical tradition of the national movement interrupted with the coup of 1976. We, by origin, conviction and militancy, without having been an active part or officials of any government, have much more to do with that process than our opponent.

We hear in these days disqualifications of those analysts who, in the words of Cristina, "know everything and do not understand anything", are always more papists than the pope and now more massistas than Massa justifying their option within the PASO with a confusing "we have to bank Cristina's strategy!". We are not two crazy people who only gathered endorsements – we did put them together in an unforgettable avalanche of popular trust. But does anyone think that the Harry Potter wand gave us the STEP? Comprehension of text and context partners. It wasn't magic. Our representative signed the adhesion to the list that leads to Axel and Veronica, who head Wado and Maximo, and who of course make up the main forces of the coalition, among them, our comrades.

If reality defined the editorial lines, the published opinion would no longer obviate our political option, but the editorial lines are defined by other factors.

We don't have money and fear. Silver is devalued and fear is an anticipated defeat. We are going to face these weeks explaining in every corner of the country our national project and our priorities, confronting the inhuman project of Larreta, Morales, Bullrich and Milei. Then let the polls speak.

News in development


See also

A K deputy and gubernatorial candidate said that the Massa-Rossi formula "is like in the 90s, you eat what you have"

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