The Limited Times

Malika Sorel: "Beyond legitimate emotion, the riots reveal a decomposition of identity"

6/28/2023, 5:07:45 PM

Highlights: After the death of Nahel, 17, following a refusal to comply, Nanterre went up in flames and violence spread to several cities. The essayist and former member of the High Council for Integration sees in these riots a new symptom of the French crisis. Malika SOREL: The words made by the President of the Republic and the Minister of the Interior are the right ones. To maintain civil peace, no form of retaliation or vendetta should be tolerated. Very quickly, the riots spread to neighboring municipalities, but also elsewhere on the territory...

INTERVIEW - After the death of Nahel, 17, following a refusal to comply, Nanterre went up in flames and violence spread to several cities. The essayist and former member of the High Council for Integration sees in these riots a new symptom of the...

LE FIGARO. - After the death of a teenager in Nanterre following a refusal to comply, riots spread throughout the city of Nanterre. Legitimate anger or real vendetta, what does this violence reveal? Malika SOREL. - The words made by the President of the Republic and the Minister of the Interior are the right ones. They spoke of the family's emotion with empathy, recalled that justice was seized, that an investigation was underway, and insisted on the need for a return to calm. A journalist collected two types of remarks on the ground: those that evoke a natural emotion and those that speak of revenge. The identity of the police officer and the name of his commune of residence were published on the internet, recalling what Samuel Paty faced. To maintain civil peace, no form of retaliation or vendetta should be tolerated. Very quickly, the riots spread to neighboring municipalities, but also elsewhere on the territory...

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