The Limited Times

Oise: accused of threatening children with a saw, the "marginal" is sentenced for theft

6/28/2023, 4:38:39 PM

Highlights: Kevin, 30, from Breteuil (Oise), was sentenced on Wednesday by the criminal court of Beauvais for "theft in recidivism" Heavily alcoholic, Kevin steals a saw that he hides behind his back, under his t-shirt. He then goes to Lidl and tries to go out with a can of drink in his pocket. He threatened the cashier to "smash his head" by brandishing, gesture in support, a half-empty bottle of vodka. He also allegedly threatened two young teenagers aged 11 and 13.

This resident of Breteuil, aged 30, was sentenced on Wednesday by the criminal court of Beauvais for "theft in recidivism" but

"Kevin is an outsider and in Breteuil, we don't like him too much. From there to accusing him of having threatened teenagers, there is a margin especially in our time when everything is filmed. By his plea, Me Risbourg spared Kevin, 30 years old, from Breteuil (Oise), a much heavier penalty than the 5 months in prison to which he was sentenced on Wednesday. The latter appeared before the criminal court of Beauvais for "threat with a weapon" and "theft in recidivism".

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The facts date back to last Monday, June 26, in Breteuil. Heavily alcoholic, Kevin begins his journey with the gardening brand Gamm Vert. There, he steals a saw that he hides behind his back, under his t-shirt. He intends to sell it and wins the center of the town.

He then goes to Lidl and tries to go out with a can of drink in his pocket. He threatened the cashier to "smash his head" by brandishing, gesture in support, a half-empty bottle of vodka. The intervention of a colleague of the cashier will scare away the marginal.

In the meantime, he also allegedly threatened two young teenagers aged 11 and 13. "He told me that if I had been older, he would have raped me," she said in testimony read by the presiding judge. He threatened me with a saw, I was scared. »

The young boy present with her says that they had "hidden behind a bush but that he pointed at us with his saw by putting the blade in front of the throat". According to her mother, the alleged victim does not dare "to leave her room for fear of running into her attacker."

"If these young people were afraid, why did they follow me"

At the helm, Kevin acknowledges the thefts but denies the assaults. "They say anything, I've never threatened them," he says. The saw was not visible. I wasn't going to walk around with a saw in my hand in the center of Breteuil. I only took it out to sell it. He then questioned the court about the course of events: "If these young people were afraid, why did they follow me to the water? When you are afraid of someone, you run away, you do not follow them. »

Despite these denials, the prosecutor found "the testimony of the two minors very concordant and consistent". According to him, "threats with weapons were clearly identified". He had asked for one year in prison, 6 months of which were suspended.

"In ten years, my client has had fifteen convictions," recalls Me Risbourg. He steals to resell, that's his modus operandi but why not believe him when he says he didn't threaten the children? Arguments heard by the court which sentenced Kevin to 5 months in prison with a warrant of committal.