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Patricia Conde: "In this profession sometimes you say yes for not harming others and in the end you harm yourself"

6/28/2023, 10:47:15 PM

Highlights: Patricia Conde will appear in a romantic comedy with Santiago Segura and Leo Harlem. The actress and presenter (she does not like the term "comedian") reappears on movie screens with a new film. Conde: "Many of us go with fear because sometimes you feel that you are going to be caught" "I am an interpreter. I use comedy, but I've done a lot of things where I've taken a more serious role," she says. "I always say that humor is something to be taken very seriously," she adds.

The actress and presenter (she does not like the term "comedian") reappears on movie screens with a romantic comedy with Santiago Segura and Leo Harlem

After her aforementioned passage through MasterChef Celebrity, Patricia Conde (Valladolid, 43 years old) will have to stay in Madrid this summer. While working on a project that he has in hand (of which he still does not want to give details) and that excites him, he will also be promoting his new film ("I have enjoyed a lot and I have returned to making films, which is one of the things I like most about my profession"), together with Santiago Segura and Leo Harlem, a romantic comedy that, paradoxically, it is entitled Summer Vacation. This conversation, in fact, is already part of his summer work plan, although he does not like interviews too much: "Many of us go with fear because sometimes you feel that you are going to be caught."

Question. Do you already have an arachnid sense to detect when they are trying to get a headline?

Answer. At this point I know all the pitfalls. "A colleague opined that there were no good comedians." I know you're looking for a headline.

More informationPatricia Conde accuses MasterChef of manipulation and denounces the drug use of two colleagues

Q. It's a shame he doesn't like them because interviews are sometimes a bit psychotherapy...

A. Yes. It's also that some people forget that I'm not a comedian.

Q. What is it?

A. I am an interpreter. I use comedy, but I've done a lot of things where I've taken a more serious role. Of course I can do a monologue, I've done a lot of Comedy Club, but I can also present programs, I can do series, movies, theater. From a very young age I thought I didn't want to be pigeonholed.

Q. But have you had a comic outlook since you were a child?

A. Since I was little, I played the clown with the teachers and classmates and made them laugh. It was a kind of gift that I hadn't asked for. And I have never been able to get rid of that: I have been able to polish my behavior in public, but that is still there and in privacy the hooligan comes out. It's not something I can say, "No, now I'm going to set it aside."

Q. Have you had a hard time learning to be solemn?

A. I know when it touches what.

Q. And because she is funny, have you ever reached out and had her arm taken?

A. Well, I always say that humor is something to be taken very seriously. When I met two of the actors I admire most in the world, Kristen Wiig and Steve Carell, because I play a character in Gru, I saw two kind, super-correct but serious people. And I thought, "Sure, this is how it's done." In presentations or interviews we should not flaunt how funny we can be. That's not our job.

Q. Have you had a hard time learning to say no?

A. I think you're born with what you've learned. I would be very afraid to see an accommodating child. Then due to social pressures you unlearn it and in this profession you say yes many times to look good, not to harm others, without realizing that you are hurting yourself, that you are looking bad with yourself.

Q. But have you been a party girl or has having a child calmed you down?

A. Just landed in Madrid my job was that. As a reporter for El informal, I had to be in absolutely all the saraos of politics, music, cinema... And then they invited me all. It was that time when a 20-year-old girl, because she wants to go out and wants to see and wants to be. But from the age of 30 there comes a time that if I do not have a task in which I feel useful, it is very difficult for me to go to those sites even if they sell me that there are very interesting people. I have become a German lady. Gentlemen, I am sorry, but at eight o'clock, at ten o'clock, I often go to bed, read a book and get up again at eight o'clock happy to have slept. I don't feel like I'm missing anything. And that also means, of course, that I give all my quality time to my son. My big event last week was going to the movies with him to see Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and Fast and Furious 10. Those are now the events that make me excited. I face them with real passion [laughs]

Q. This year she gave another great self-care lesson when she decided to leave MasterChef Celebrity. Do you look at that moment with pride?

A. I said a long time ago that I was not going to talk about this issue. In the end, when you talk about something it has to be to see through your experience what can perhaps help others. But I think that has to come out of oneself. And if you do it in a forced way, in the end people understand it as a justification. I don't want to have to justify myself.

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Q. His new film is an ode to the holidays. What are the happiest holidays you remember?

A. I am very enjoyable. You give me a piece of beach and a book and I'm happy. I also like to take my friends to wonderful places and show them with my eyes. Last year I went with my son to Mexico to a biodiversity park and we did not stop for a single day. We threw ourselves down natural mudslides into a mountain, we smeared ourselves with mud, we threw ourselves down liana, cliffs, the highest and longest slide there was. I became that little girl that my son wanted me to play with him and I said, go for it. I got rid of dizziness, fears and dizziness.

Q. Have you had any summer love that has marked you a lot?

A. What goes. Nothing. Never. Look, you already have a headline. "I've never had a summer love" [laughs].

Q. Have you learned anything about the male gender by observing your child?

A. Since I was very young I have lived a lot with boys and girls. I don't think the key is in the gender difference, but in the way of educating children. Maybe Lucas is very calm and very sensible for his age, but because I'm like that too. Other children will learn from other personalities.

Q. What value has you been very clear whenever you wanted to instill in him?

A. Respect everyone if you want to be respected and be a good person. You can be better or worse playing football, you can be better or worse at motocross, but the first thing you have to be is a good person, have good habits, know how to differentiate what is right from what is not right and when you do not like what you see around you, walk away.

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