The Limited Times

The Likud committee decided to fully support Michael Vidal for mayor of Ramla - Walla! local

6/28/2023, 3:49:00 PM

Highlights: The Likud Municipal Committee, headed by Zvika Brut, voted unanimously today to once again support Michael Vidal for mayor of Ramle. This is in no small part about the warm friendship that Vidal has with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the doors open to him in government ministries. Vidal said: "I will continue to lead the city of Ramla forward, as part of my vision to position the city as an advanced and leading metropolis. I represent and serve the Ramle public and not myself"

The Likud Municipal Committee, headed by Zvika Brut, voted unanimously today to once again support Michael Vidal for mayor of Ramle

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Michael Vidal, Mayor of Ramle in the Likud Party (Photo: official website, photo: Likud branch)

Today, the Likud's announcement of support for Michael Vidal in his run for mayor of Ramle is a full vote of confidence in him, his path and his actions during his five-year term. This is in no small part about the warm friendship that Vidal has with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the doors open to him in government ministries.

The Likud's continued support is a strong statement, placing the Israeli government behind Michael Vidal and promising him strong backing for his continued extensive activity to promote the city. Thanks to this, he will be able to continue to promote many programs that include large-scale projects.

In response to the publication of the Likud party's vote, Michael Vidal said: "I will continue to lead the city of Ramla forward, as part of my vision to position the city as an advanced and leading metropolis, while at the same time continuing to be attentive and caring to the residents. Listen and talk to them at eye level. I am their elected representative and I represent and serve the Ramle public and not myself. The Likud's announcement is a strong tailwind ahead of the elections on October 31, especially in light of the fact that the Shas party is also supposed to express its support for me."

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