The Limited Times

The statement of Andrés 'Cuervo' Larroque after being left out of all the lists: what he said about the Massa-Rossi formula

6/28/2023, 3:47:43 PM

Highlights: 'We call to vote on the list of Union for the Fatherland', emphasized the Buenos Aires leader and referent of La Cámpora. Andrés "Cuervo" Larroque called "to vote the presidential list" composed of Sergio Massa and Agustín Rossi. "Out of institutional, political and social responsibility with our people, Peronism has formed a formula of unity that will represent us in the next elections," the official said in a statement.

'We call to vote on the list of Union for the Fatherland', emphasized the Buenos Aires leader and referent of La Cámpora.

After the shock generated by the closure of lists within the ruling party, the Buenos Aires official and reference of La Cámpora Andrés "Cuervo" Larroque, who was left out of all the lists of Union for the Fatherland, called "to vote the presidential list" composed of Sergio Massa and Agustín Rossi.

"Out of institutional, political and social responsibility with our people, Peronism has formed a formula of unity that will represent us in the next elections headed by Sergio Massa and Agustín Rossi for president and vice president and Axel Kicillof and Verónica Magario for governor and vice governor," Larroque said at the beginning of a statement.

In the official text, which was shared on his Twitter account, the Buenos Aires official came out to openly support the presidential formula: "We call to vote on the list of Union for the Fatherland."

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