The Limited Times

The United States finds its way back to UNESCO

6/28/2023, 4:28:17 PM

Highlights: A vote of the Member States should endorse, today or tomorrow, the return of the Americans to UNESCO. Donald Trump had slammed the door in 2017, like Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama, causing a serious decline in the organization's regime. The fate of the vote does not seem to be in doubt, with two thirds of the States having already indicated that they were in favour. Even Beijing, which has complex relations with Washington, has indicated that it will abstain. "With them, we will be more politically balanced, with a legitimacy and credibility increased tenfold," says Director-General Audrey Azoulay.

A vote of the Member States should endorse, today or tomorrow, the return of the Americans to UNESCO. Donald Trump had slammed the door in 2017, like Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama, causing a serious decline in the organization's regime. Bringing them back...

As the Director-General of UNESCO has a full-time schedule like an egg, it is not always easy to meet her. In recent days, her entourage has nevertheless found moments for Audrey Azoulay to comment on "the" big news: today, or tomorrow, the 193 member countries of the General Conference of the International Organization for Culture should endorse the return of the United States, as a full member.

The fate of the vote does not seem to be in doubt, with two thirds of the States having already indicated that they were in favour. Even Beijing, which has complex relations with Washington, has indicated that it will abstain. For Audrey Azoulay, an undeniable victory is looming. "With them, we will be more politically balanced, with a legitimacy and credibility increased tenfold," she rejoiced, on the eve of the election, from her large Parisian office in the 7th arrondissement.

If all goes according to plan, the corridors of the austere building dating from the 1950s...

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