The Limited Times

At the height of the rush: Ayalon North is blocked to traffic by demonstrators against the legal revolution - voila! news

6/29/2023, 4:39:29 PM

Highlights: The Ayalon North Highway was closed to traffic at this time (Thursday) This was done by demonstrators against the legal revolution. The demonstrators reached the lanes at the end of a march that left the home of MK Boaz Bismuth in Ramat Gan, where a protest had earlier taken place. Earlier today, during the ceremony of receiving the wings of a pilot course, protesters turned their backs on the stage during Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech. They wore, among other things, T-shirts with stickers reading "Loyal to the Declaration of Independence" and "Must Resist the Dictatorship."

The demonstrators reached the lanes at the end of a march that left the home of MK Boaz Bismuth in Ramat Gan, where they had earlier held a protest

Video: Demonstrators against the legal revolution block Ayalon Highway to traffic June 29, 2023 (IPS)

The Ayalon North Highway was closed to traffic at this time (Thursday). This was done by demonstrators against the legal revolution.

The protesters reached the lanes at the end of a march that left the home of MK Boaz Bismuth in Ramat Gan, where a protest had earlier taken place.

Demonstrators against the legal revolution blocked the Ayalon Highway to traffic June 29, 2023 (Photo: official website, IPS)

Earlier today, during the ceremony of receiving the wings of a pilot course, protesters turned their backs on the stage during Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech. They wore, among other things, T-shirts with stickers reading "Loyal to the Declaration of Independence" and "Must Resist the Dictatorship."

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  • Ayalon Highway