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"Detention for up to one year": Ministerial committee will continue to discuss tomorrow a law that will allow Ben-Gvir to order a criminal administrative order | Israel Hayom

7/1/2023, 7:08:33 PM

Highlights: According to a bill proposed by the chairman of the National Security Committee, Ben-Gvir will be able to impose administrative orders inside the country if it turns out that there is a possibility of real harm to public safety. Discussion of the bill began last week in a ministerial committee and is expected to continue tomorrow. The purpose is to enable the police to make preventive arrests of suspects when there is intelligence information about the probable possibility of committing a crime, but there is insufficient evidentiary basis that the intelligence source cannot be revealed.

According to a bill proposed by the chairman of the National Security Committee, Ben-Gvir will be able to impose administrative orders inside the country if it turns out that there is a possibility of real harm to public safety • The committee will resume discussions on the law tomorrow

The Ministerial Committee on Legislation will continue tomorrow (Sunday) to discuss the bill proposed by National Security Committee Chairman MK Zvika Fogel (Otzma Yehudit). According to the proposal, Ben-Gvir will be given the authority to impose criminal administrative orders, at the request of the police commissioner and with the approval of the attorney general, her deputy attorneys general or the state attorney for a period of six months to a year.

Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir. "How many indictments have been filed?", Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

These are unprecedented powers that Ben-Gvir wants to assume, similar to the powers of the defense minister to sign orders for administrative detention to prevent terrorism – a tool that Ben-Gvir and members of his party strongly criticize. Discussion of the bill began last week in a ministerial committee and is expected to continue tomorrow.

According to the proposal, "The Minister of National Security may, by order signed by him, impose on one or more of the following restrictions if he is convinced that there is a reasonable risk of harm to public safety, all as determined in the order and for a period to be determined therein: restriction on his exit from a certain place or area, prohibition on leaving the country, prohibition on entering or being present in a certain place or area, obligation to live or be in a certain place or area, Prohibition on leaving the country, prohibition on entering or being present in a particular place or area, other restriction regarding movement in a particular place or area."

Knesset Channel

The explanatory notes to the law state that the purpose is to enable the police to make preventive arrests of suspects when there is intelligence information about the probable possibility of committing a crime, but there is insufficient evidentiary basis that the intelligence source cannot be revealed.

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