The Limited Times

Saint-Étienne: a 79-year-old priest attacked in the city centre

7/1/2023, 4:37:58 PM

Highlights: Two men were attacked in Lyon, France, on Thursday night. One of the men was knocked to the ground by the other. Both men were taken to hospital, where they were treated for their injuries. The other man was released after being treated for his injuries. He has not been charged with any crime. The incident is being investigated by the French police, who say the men were not involved in the attack. The victim has not yet been identified, but the police say he is in a stable condition.

The clergyman was beaten, knocked to the ground and robbed Thursday night. The diocese said the attack was not related to the urban riots and that he was not attacked in his capacity as a priest.

Purely gratuitous violence. Father Francis Palle was assaulted Thursday night by two young people in the city center of Saint-Etienne, according to France Bleu Saint-Étienne Loire. The 79-year-old priest, who is part of the Congregation of St. Vincent de Paul, was hit in the legs and knocked to the ground. The thugs stole his mobile phone and wallet from the 79-year-old. He was taken to hospital by firefighters.

The diocese wishes to clarify that this aggression has nothing to do with the urban violence that exploded in Saint-Étienne after the death of Nahel in Nanterre: "We do not know what these people did before or after this violence, but this aggression is not part of the riots." The diocese evokes a "simple news item" and adds that Father Francis Palle was not targeted either because of his quality as a priest: he did not wear any clothing or sign that would link him to his ecclesiastical functions.

See alsoPriest assaulted in Lyon: two minors placed in custody

Father Francis Palle was quickly able to return home, before resuming his activities on Friday. A complaint must be filed. A fortnight ago, a priest of the diocese of Lyon was also attacked gratuitously by a dozen young people who had put him down and hurled anti-Christian insults against him.