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"Living in a movie that is Brad Pitt": Who Dana Zarmon? | Israel Hayom

7/2/2023, 12:38:33 PM

Highlights: Zarmon expressed resentment and disgust at the way his groom Snir chose his "wedding at first sight" to be conducted during and after the wedding ceremony. "She doesn't look good enough," Zarmon mockingly imitated Shalev's remarks about the bride. "He lives in the movie," "Goodbye and goodbye," commented angrily on the show's Facebook page. "Ambition, intelligence and assertiveness, he just forgot to mention a few more words with the letter A – I'm an idiot, an atom and infantil!"

Zarmon expressed resentment and disgust at the way his groom Snir chose his "wedding at first sight" to be conducted during and after the wedding ceremony • And she's not the only one

Even before Dana Zarmon watched the full episode of "Wedding at First Sight" (Keshet 12) last night, she made sure to warn her 593,<> Instagram followers that she had "harsh vibes about the groom" (his Snir), who she said "lives in a movie that is Brad Pitt."

"I haven't seen the episode yet and I'm already getting on my nerves," she said. "She doesn't look good enough," Zarmon mockingly imitated Shalev's remarks about the bride matched with Mor Redmi, as she grimaced to give them an expression of disgust and continued: "Tell you, Mr. Testas who knows how to speak the language of photographers and television, doesn't know that even when you whisper you are heard cute," she said, and then noted what was repeated hundreds if not thousands of times in the comments that flooded the Internet: "Surrey, but what exactly do you look like?! Like I'm in my imagination and didn't notice?" she continued to shoot angrily, as if to defend Redmi's honor for the insulting comment directed at her appearance that was broadcast in front of hundreds of thousands in prime time.

Snir Shalev, Photo: Keshet 12

Zarmon went on to say that this comment annoyed her so much because in her eyes Radmi represented a beautiful, noble, intelligent and sociable woman who came towards him in any way she could out of a genuine desire to make him feel comfortable and on the other hand he fell into the most superficial place.

"You came to a matchmaking show. If you searched for Tinder and looked for someone only according to your taste, which is not clear what it is, then why did you come?" she wondered.

Later, Zarmon also pointed an accusing finger in the direction of Shalev's boyfriend, who supposedly encouraged him that even if it was a failed match, he would "make it through" as if it were an impossible task and he just had to survive enough to check off the 42 days and get out of it.

Mor and Snir, Photo: Keshet 12

"If you know you're not that into it, then leave. Don't fool her. Don't do bits on her and don't pull her by the nose. Maybe I'm upset in advance and I didn't give him a chance, but it came very badly to me."

Zarmon was not the only one to express resentment and disgust at the way he chose to conduct himself during and after the wedding ceremony, and the network was flooded with angry posts before and after the wedding episode aired. "He lives in the movie," "Goodbye and goodbye," commented angrily on the show's Facebook page.

"According to the promo, he's only interested in having a model first, and then we'll consider. Shallow. Plus, he's not a model himself, so what does he expect?" reinforced another user. "He thought about all the words that start with the letter A that he knows," joked another: "Ambition, intelligence and assertiveness, he just forgot to mention a few more words with the letter A – I'm an idiot, an atom and infantil!" she concluded sarcastically.

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