The Limited Times

There is a consensus on the "Garden House" operation and it is not self-evident | Israel Hayom

7/3/2023, 5:59:36 PM

Highlights: If the real goal is to achieve maximum neutralization of the terrorist capabilities accumulated in Jenin, two days is not enough. The forces on the ground are proof for the enemy of the seriousness of the IDF's intentions. The definition of the missions, according to the few lines published from the page distributed by the commander of the forces in the West Bank, is rather vague. The two positive points in the internal political and political context are that the IDF has created a disconnect between operational activity and the daily routine of Palestinian residents.

Such an operation naturally gains more intelligence on the move and more targets as a result of friction on the ground and following the arrest of wanted persons • If the real goal is to achieve maximum neutralization of the terrorist capabilities accumulated in Jenin, two days is not enough, a few days of time are needed to be backed up by the public

The feeling conveyed by the commentators in the media was that the operation had to end before it got complicated. Entanglement means casualties to our forces. It is unclear whether this is their opinion or a message from the command conducting the operation.

But even if the operation continues, it is not enough. When the forces are inside the Jenin refugee camp and, as local residents tell news agencies, they go through walls from house to house, the consideration of not getting into trouble should not burden commanders. Such an operation naturally gains more intelligence on the move and more targets as a result of friction on the ground and following the arrest of wanted persons. If the real goal is to achieve maximum neutralization of the terrorist capabilities accumulated in Jenin, two days is not enough. A few days of stay are needed. The forces on the ground are proof for the enemy of the seriousness of the IDF's intentions.

IDF airstrikes in Jenin // Photo: Arab networks

The problem is that as soon as public opinion calms down from the euphoria of yet another counter-terrorism operation, the consideration of avoiding casualties on the side of our forces begins to come into play. The consideration should be completing tasks and not severing contact to avoid "entanglement" and casualties. The definition of the missions, according to the few lines published from the page distributed by the commander of the forces in the West Bank, is rather vague.

The two positive points in the internal political and political context are that the IDF has created a disconnect between operational activity and the daily routine of the Palestinian residents. Notably, the large number of citizens who went to their places of work also within the Green Line.

Destruction in Jenin refugee camp after IDF activity // Photo: Arab networks

In addition, it is precisely this government, which they are trying to undermine and sabotage its activities, that has succeeded in creating a very broad consensus and impressive legitimacy for large-scale action against terrorism in Jenin. Regarding Nablus, too, there is an open check that the IDF has not yet cashed. The consensus is a good reason to keep the momentum going.

In Operation Defensive Shield 21 years ago, the IDF eliminated over fifty terrorists in Jenin during long days of battle at a high cost to our forces. It seems that with the means and skills acquired by the IDF in the decades that have passed, it is possible to reach a similar goal with minimal casualties. One clear goal is the elimination of rocket manufacturing capabilities in Jenin and the neutralization of the "engineers" involved in it.

IDF drone shot down in Jenin // Photo: Arab networks

Perhaps precisely because of the broad consensus on the operation, there has been a sweaty effort to find imaginary controversies. After all, the merchandise of senseless and purposeless wrath is sold on the shelf at bargain prices. So it was argued that if an operation is launched, the legislative mills in the Knesset must stop. As if the organizers of the disruptions at Ben Gurion Airport had some sovereign right, a gesture from the government would have been met with a gesture from Kaplan's protesters, who had become a subversive paramilitary body. But all of this was a kind of noise, which is a result of the anti-government sentiments when you are in full agreement with them on the handling of terrorism.

The operation, which began yesterday, is one of the signs of a change in policy and action in various areas of the country. It is not easy to introduce these changes when the leaders of the most important establishments have not been appointed by the government and sometimes act to thwart its policies.

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