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"At first I thought it was an accident and then I saw the terrorist": Testimonies from the attack in Tel Aviv | Israel Hayom

7/4/2023, 12:19:49 PM

Highlights: "Four people were lying on the floor, and the terrorist got out of a car - assuming he intended to stab them," said a passerby. "I don't want to think what would have happened if the children were on the street at the time of the incident" Minister Ben-Gvir: "I congratulate the brave citizen who neutralized the terrorist and all the heroes who carry weapons and save lives". Seven people were injured Tuesday in an attack on Pinchas Rosen Street.

"Four people were lying on the floor, and the terrorist got out of a car - assuming he intended to stab them" Another civilian said: "An hour before the incident, my children returned from camp, I don't want to think what would have happened if the children were on the street at the time of the incident" Minister Ben-Gvir: "I congratulate the brave citizen who neutralized the terrorist and all the heroes who carry weapons and save lives"

Seven people were injured Tuesday in an attack on Pinchas Rosen Street. "I heard shouting, we went outside to see what was happening, and then I saw the terrorist get out of the car," said a passerby.

Police Spokesperson's Office

Tal Kedem, who was present at the scene of the attack, said: "I was in the shopping center when I heard shouting. We went out into the street to see what was happening, and then I saw the terrorist. He got out of the car. At that point, four people were lying on the floor. I guess he went out to stab them. Then I heard shots and ran away. I filmed everything."

Documentation of the vehicular attack at the soldier's level | The use is made in accordance with section 27A of the Copyright Law

Yossi, who witnessed the attack, said: "An hour before the incident, my two children returned from camp. I picked them up and we went to the shopping center to buy something. At one point, I heard a big boom and shouting. I went out to see what happened."

He added: "At first I thought it was an accident, but then I saw the terrorist get out of the car. At that point, someone shot him. I ran back to the shopping center with the children to hide. I'm still trembling. I don't want to think what would have happened if the children had been on the street at the time of the attack."

The scene of the incident at Ramat Hachayal in Tel Aviv, photo: Coco

The terrorist, a 23-year-old man from the town of Samu'a in the South Hebron Hills, who apparently entered Israel with a permit for medical purposes, was shot and neutralized at the scene. An MDA team called to the scene provided medical treatment to the wounded and evacuated five wounded to Ichilov Hospital, three in moderate to severe condition, one in light to moderate condition, and one suffering from shock.

Ben-Gvir: "Congratulations to the brave citizen"

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir said: "Together with all the people of Israel, I send my best wishes for a speedy recovery to the wounded and a warm embrace to the families. I congratulate the brave civilian who neutralized the terrorist and prevented the continuation of the incident. He saved lives. This neutralization has once again proven the importance and effectiveness of civilians carrying weapons, and I call on the public that meets the criteria to bear arms."

Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai with MDA Director General Eli Bin at the scene of the attack at Ramat Hachayal in Tel Aviv, photo: Police Spokesperson's Office

He also referred to the operation in Jenin, adding: "Our war in Jenin is our war in Tel Aviv. Facing a bloodthirsty enemy that makes no distinction between right and left, religious and secular, adult and child, man or woman. Every Jew is a target for those murderers, and we will fight those murderers with a heavy hand."

Participated in the preparation of the article: Itzik Saban

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