The Limited Times

"Palestinians threw stones at me and my wife": Editor of Besheva newspaper injured in face - evacuated to hospital | Israel Hayom

7/4/2023, 7:19:13 AM

Highlights: Emanuel Shilo drove back from Yitzhar and was on the way to attack Palestinians in the area. Shilo: "I was hit hard, I continued driving until Havat Gilad, where army forces and an ambulance arrived" He also shared: "Throwing stones at a moving vehicle is an attempt at murder, this is how it should be treated" "There is a fear of a fracture of the jaw. Waiting for decisions to be made by an oral and maxillofacial doctor," he said.

Emanuel Shilo drove back from Yitzhar and was on the way to attack Palestinians in the area • "I was hit hard, I continued driving until Havat Gilad, where army forces and an ambulance arrived" • He also shared: "Throwing stones at a moving vehicle is an attempt at murder, this is how it should be treated.

Emmanuel Shiloh, editor of the Besheva newspaper, was wounded in the face on Monday by stones thrown by terrorists at his car.

Stone throwing near Homesh | Samaria Regional Council

Shilo wrote about what happened to him from the hospital on his Facebook account: "Good morning from Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba. I was brought here last night in an ambulance. I was injured by a stone thrown at the car in which my wife and I were driving, on the way home from the joy of a friend's engagement in Yitzhar. I don't really remember the details, but my dear and brave wife, who traveled with me and accompanies me here, says that I told her that I had been hit by a stone and hit hard, and that I continued driving until Havat Gilad, where first military forces arrived and then a civilian ambulance from Yitzhar that evacuated me here.

Damage to vehicles in Samaria continues, photo: Forum for the Struggle for Northern Samaria

"At first it hurt a lot. Now less. During the night I underwent tests. There is a fear of a fracture of the jaw. Waiting for decisions to be made by an oral and maxillofacial doctor. All in all, a minor injury, thank God. One can only imagine what would have happened if the stone had hit not the cheek but a few centimeters higher, in the temple or skull. Beyond the direct damage from the stone's impact, it could, of course, have ended in a fatal accident. Blessed be the merciful and merciful God who did not give prey to their teeth.

"In recent years, our vehicle was hit twice by stones thrown on Route 55, once when I was driving and once when our daughter Emunah was driving. Two times this assassination attempt resulted in property damage. This time it came down to a minor injury when he stepped between it and a dangerous injury, God forbid.
Throwing stones at a moving vehicle is attempted murder. This is how it should be treated. Health and peace for us and for all of Israel."

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