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Honor costs money: Israel Prize ceremony budget swells by hundreds of thousands of shekels | Israel Hayom

7/4/2023, 1:48:35 AM

Highlights: Almost NIS 2 million was invested this year in the event, which is funded entirely by the Ministry of Education. This is a five-year record in expenses, according to Israel Hayom. The Education Ministry responds: "The production costs of the ceremony are in accordance with market prices" The cost of makeup for Education Minister Yoav Kish and the winners was NIS 5,000. The total cost of the prizes was about NIS 900,75 – NIS 12,750 for each of the artists who participated in this year's ceremony.

Almost NIS 2 million was invested this year in the event, which is funded entirely by the Ministry of Education • This is a five-year record in expenses • The Ministry of Education responds: "The production costs of the ceremony are in accordance with market prices"

While the Ministry of Education is cutting back on national programs, the cost of the Israel Prize ceremony increased by NIS 300,1 this year, from NIS 5.1 million to NIS 8.<> million, the highest cost in the past five years.

The State awards the Israel Prize in a wide range of fields, to individuals or entities that have excelled or contributed significantly to society. The ceremony, which lasts about an hour and a half, is held annually on the eve of Independence Day at the International Convention Center in Jerusalem, with the participation of the heads of state, including the prime minister, the minister of education, the speaker of the Knesset, the president of the state and the president of the Supreme Court. But it seems that the ceremony, which is supposed to celebrate excellence and contribution to society, has been overswelled.

Dekelon received the Israel Prize // Central Productions

While it is important to honor trailblazers, at a time when curricula are being curtailed and there is not enough money to build classrooms, there are those who see this as a flaw in light of the fact that the Ministry of Education bears the costs of the ceremony.

According to figures obtained by Israel Hayom, out of the total sum, NIS 170,100 was given to a company that filmed and edited videos. A year earlier, the cost of this service was NIS 170,<> lower, but in the previous three years it was also NIS <>,<>.

The cost of makeup for Education Minister Yoav Kish and the winners was NIS 5,000, and the total cost of the prizes was about NIS 900,75 – an all-time high – NIS 12,750 for each of the <> artists who participated in this year's ceremony. In previous years, the total cost of the prizes was NIS <>,<>.

Recall that this year Shlomo Artzi refused to accept the prize due to the legal reform, but it was decided to award the prize anyway, and it was the singer Dekelon (Yosef Levy) who was chosen to receive the honor.

In addition, a total salary of NIS 150,120 was given to the facilitators and singers who participated in the ceremony and usually sang one song. Among the artists: Raviv Kinner, Avraham Tal, Gali Atari, Yuval Dayan and Odia. In comparison, last year the cost of the artists (Itay Levy, Narcissus, Roni Dalumi and more) was NIS <>,<>. No less than five different artists performed at each of the ceremonies, not including a military band.

A prize for the rich too

For the sake of comparison, the budget for the annual torch-lighting ceremony on Mount Herzl on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Israel's independence – in which hundreds of actors, singers and dancers participate, and which requires the construction of the complex from scratch – was NIS 13.5 million.

Over the years, many academics and the public have won the Israel Prize, including the one considered particularly prestigious – the Lifetime Achievement Award. The list of winners includes such personalities as Dr. Joseph Ciechanover, Marioma Klein of the Shanti House, Miriam Peretz and more.

The Education Ministry's response under the Freedom of Information Law states that this is a state ceremony attended by heads of state, and therefore it is produced by the Information Center, which employs franchisees selected by tender for this purpose.

It was also claimed that in 2022-2023, a budget increase was given in light of the large increase in the production market, including screens, sets, lighting, amplification and professionals. The ceremony takes place at Binyanei Ha'uma, and the cost includes renting the place and adapting it to the ceremony.

The Education Ministry said in response: "The Israel Prize is the most prestigious prize awarded by the State of Israel to senior researchers, artists and artists. The amount of the prize is similar to those of similar prizes in Israel and abroad, and its monetary value is uniform. Moreover, for more than 10 years the prize has been NIS 75,<> – a sum significantly lower than the Emet Prize, the Rothschild Prize and their ilk.

"This year, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the state, one prize was added, as is customary in special years, and therefore 12 prizes were awarded totaling NIS 900,70 (for example, in the 16th year of the state, <> prizes were awarded). The production costs and the various items are in accordance with market prices, and according to a tender conducted at the information center.

"Since 2019, the cost of producing the videos has been about NIS 170,<>. It is possible that last year some of the costs (script, photography, editing, etc.) were included in other items, and therefore presented in the report at a lower value this year alone. The education minister, as in previous years, was not involved in the production of the ceremony."

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