The Limited Times

Not Just Wading: The Innovations That Will Make You Jump into Your Swimming Pool | Israel Hayom

7/5/2023, 10:19:42 AM

Highlights: A system of currents that will make you swim like salmon, the bottom of a pool that rises and becomes a stage and operation of the pool through a smart app • Do you have a swimming pool? You must know everything that is new to her. Every season, the swimming pools showcase technological and design innovations. What was once of interest to only a few has become the business of many, who join the family of swimming pool owners every year. This is your chance to get to know all the innovations in the field of swimming pools.

A system of currents that will make you swim like salmon, the bottom of a pool that rises and becomes a stage and operation of the pool through a smart app • Do you have a swimming pool? You must know everything that is new to her

Every season, the swimming pools showcase technological and design innovations. What was once of interest to only a few has become the business of many, who join the family of swimming pool owners every year. This is your chance to get to know all the innovations in the field of swimming pools.

Hydraulic platforms

In the end, a pool is a pretty big metrage that takes up a good portion of the courtyard. One of the developments of recent years is the bottom of a pool that slowly rises until it reaches the surface of the water, to the paving line, and becomes a surface on which you can sit or dance.

Efi Chen, CEO and owner of Aquacolco, explains that lifting the bottom is done securely using a button with a locking mechanism, so it cannot be pressed accidentally. He explains that from a design point of view, a bottom is usually chosen that will be identical to the flooring of the outdoor areas so that when it rises and becomes a paved surface, the appearance will be uniform and it will be impossible to imagine that there is a pool underneath.

Pool planning, architect - Lior Rosenfeld, pool - Pelegim, photo: Oren Alon

The Rushing River Experience

Avner Zadok, CEO and owner of Pelegim, talks about opposing current systems that make it possible to perform effective water gymnastics, which are even pleasant for those who do not swim as part of sports training and only enjoy the vibe. These systems pump water with tremendous force over the body, making it feel as if we are sitting in a naturally flowing river. This technology likens the effect to salmon swimming against the current. Walking against the current creates resistance and allows cardio activity.

Pool at the center designed by Jacobs-Yaniv Architects, photo: Amit Geron

Advanced purification

The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us to pay more attention to hygiene and purification. Zadok explains that the purification systems for private pools are undergoing significant improvements: "Today there are new facilities that disinfect the water using ultraviolet technology, just like drinking water purification systems, which reduces the use of chlorine by about two-thirds, and maintains a high level of hygiene. The water is pleasant, healthier and protects the skin."

Pelegim Pool, Neumann Hainer Architecture, Photo: Amit Gosher

Safety Covers

For parents, the biggest fear of placing a pool in the yard is drowning children. Just a few seconds of inattention are enough, and a lifetime can be cut short. If you've already invested in the pool, invest more in its safety coverage as well. This cover can be the bottom that rises and blocks the possibility of using the pool, and it can be an electric roller cover that with a simple press covers the pool and prevents falling into it.

Connect to an app

The apps that are woven into all areas of our lives also make it easier to operate the swimming pool. Today there is an app that operates the pool and also knows how to warn against drowning. These are dedicated applications that are synchronized with the pool systems, with which you can cool the water if it is hot, or alternatively raise the temperature on cool days. In addition, they allow connection to water sports lessons with coaches from all over the world.

Indoor audio systems

Waterproof sound systems with amplifiers and control matrix let you enjoy music while swimming or playing. In this case, there are two main options: in the first you can accessorize with quite a few items that offer a decent experience, such as waterproof headphones and small audio systems. According to the second, you can purchase a system from a large and well-known company that will also be responsible for its installation in the pool, ensuring a fun and comfortable user experience, of course everything depends on your budget.

From a house planned and designed by Sarah and Nirit Frenkel, Photo: Itay Benit

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