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Shifting gears: Protests against legal reform across the country have begun | Full Block Map | Israel Hayom

7/8/2023, 3:20:11 PM

Highlights: The 27th week of demonstrations is underway. The amendment to the reasonableness is due to be put to a vote in the Knesset plenum. Protest leaders: "On Tuesday there will be a protest like no other" If the legislation does pass, Tuesday will be declared the first day of resistance. The people of Israel will not give up their democracy and will not live under extreme and dangerous tyranny, the protest leaders say. They are calling on the government to stop the legislation.

The 27th week of demonstrations is underway • The protest opened the week of demonstrations ahead of Monday, when the amendment to the reasonableness is supposed to be put to a vote in the Knesset plenum • Protest leaders: "On Tuesday there will be a protest like no other"

Another Saturday of demonstrations: Protests against the legal reform began Saturday evening for the 27th time. The protest opened the week of demonstrations ahead of Monday, when the amendment on the grounds of reasonableness is due to be voted on in the Knesset plenum. The protest organizers declared that on Tuesday there would be a "protest like no other" throughout Israel.

Ten company CEOs have told employees who want to participate in Tuesday's protests that they can do so without taking a day off.

Today, the struggle organizations are calling on the Israeli government to stop the legislation, and not to bring the law to amend the grounds of reasonableness to a first reading vote. If the government decides to legislate, the response will be powerful.

The struggle organizations clarify that if the legislation does pass on Monday, this coming Tuesday will be declared the first day of resistance for July. During the day of resistance on Tuesday, starting at 8:00 A.M., the organizations will hold demonstrations, marches, convoys and disruptions throughout the country. At 16:00 there will be a huge demonstration at Ben Gurion Airport, and starting at 20:00, there will be ongoing demonstrations and marches in Israeli cities.

The struggle organizations reiterate the call on the general public to prepare this coming Tuesday to join the day of resistance, should the Israeli government indeed pass the dictatorship law on Monday night.

Organizations report that many sectors and sectors have already mobilized. Employers and companies will allow their employees to be absent, businesses that will shut down operations, and many employees who will notify their superiors tomorrow of their intention to be absent, including employees unionized within the Histadrut. Among the sectors: many high-tech companies, law firms, doctors and health professions, students who will be absent from exams, LGBTQ, architectural and planning firms, and small business owners.

The struggle organizations said: "The people of Israel do not want a dictatorship, and they do not want unilateral and dangerous dictatorial legislation that will crush the economy, harm security and cause a rift in the nation. The people of Israel will not give up their democracy and will not live under extreme and dangerous tyranny. Today we call on Netanyahu and his extremist partners in the government – if the law passes its first reading, the Israeli government will lose its legitimacy, a government in a democracy has no mandate to abolish democracy. In the face of an illegitimate government, it is imperative to resist. This coming Tuesday, if the law passes the night before, the people of Israel will come out en masse for a day of resistance. If the government doesn't stop, the whole country will stop."

Roads blocked:

Kaplan Street was blocked from Ibn Gvirol Street to Menachem Begin Road in both directions. Kaplan Junction through Menachem Begin was blocked to the north and south (including the sediments). The Peace Bridge ramps are closed to the north and south (it will not be possible to go down to Route 20). Yigal Alon Junction - Peace will be blocked to the west. Yigal Alon Junction – Made in Israel (vehicles will be directed to Made in Israel Street). Peace Junction – Made in Israel (vehicles will be directed east). Peace Junction - Youth Aliyah will be blocked to the east. Yigal Alon - Peace Junction will be blocked to the south. The Yigal Alon - Tuval junction was blocked to the north. Yitzhak Sadeh Junction - the locksmith was blocked to the north. There is no exit from Ben Avigdor Street to Hamasger Street.
The streets of Migal Alon in the direction of Aminadav, Kremnicki, Tuval, Vicky Shiran and the exit from the gas station were blocked (traffic will be allowed from HaSolelim Street). Starting at 20:30, the Yehudit Bridge will be closed to pedestrians.

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