The Limited Times

Death of Milan Kundera, author of "The Unbearable Lightness of Being"

7/12/2023, 9:28:07 AM

Highlights: Former communist, freethinker Kundera gradually fell out with the Czechoslovak authorities. He decided to live in exile after the crushing of the Prague Spring reform movement by the Soviet-led armies in 1968. He is the author of the bestseller "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" published in 1984 and adapted to the cinema in 1988 by Philip Kaufman. He was naturalized French after moving to the Czech Republic in the 1950s. He died at the age of 94.

The writer Milan Kundera naturalized French died at the age of 94.

Writer Milan Kundera has died at the age of 94, Czech television reported Wednesday morning. A former communist, freethinker Kundera gradually fell out with the Czechoslovak authorities and decided to live in exile after the crushing of the Prague Spring reform movement by the Soviet-led armies in 1968.

Zemřel Milan Kundera, bylo mu 94 let. Za hranicemi patřil spolu s Kafkou a Havlem k nejslavnějším českým rodákům. Jeho romány vyvolávaly pozitivní ohlas, napsal ale také řadu esejů o hudbě, literatuře či filozofii.

— ČT24 (@CT24zive) July 12, 2023

He is the author of the bestseller "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" published in 1984 and adapted to the cinema in 1988 by Philip Kaufman.

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