The Limited Times

Assertive or Compromised: What Does Your Coffee Say About You? | Israel Hayom

7/13/2023, 7:09:10 AM

Highlights: Upside down, black, espresso, instant coffee-flavored drink – we all have preferences when it comes to ordering coffee. What does this say about the style in which we negotiate in everyday life and business? We asked ChatGPT to help us prepare the list. The list includes: Turkish coffee (black coffee) - the assertive diplomat. Double Espresso – A One-Man Power – You are bold, assertive and persuasive during negotiations. Instant Coffee – The Pragmatist - You are comfortable and simple, practical, flexible and adaptable.

Upside down, black, espresso, instant coffee-flavored drink – we all have preferences when it comes to ordering coffee. What does this say about the style in which we negotiate in everyday life and business?

Upside down, black, espresso, instant coffee-flavored drink – we all have preferences when it comes to ordering coffee. What does this say about the style in which we negotiate in everyday life and business? We asked ChatGPT to help us prepare the list.

Upside-down coffee – the mediator

You value harmony and compromise. Like your negotiating style, upside down with milk slips easily down your throat. You are known as a mediator because you are always looking for solutions that work for both sides. You prefer to find common ground and build strong relationships during negotiations. Just like the perfect balance between coffee and milk, you want to create a harmonious atmosphere where both parties can benefit.

Turkish coffee (black coffee) - the assertive diplomat

Strong and intense Turkish coffee, just like your negotiating style. You are direct, confident and assertive in your approach. You prefer direct communication and value strong arguments and facts, leave no room for ambiguity, and make your intentions clear from the start. If you relax a little, it may not hurt.

Americano – The Collaborator

Americano – espresso plus water – wants to be strong, but comes out a little diluted. You prioritize teamwork and mutual understanding. Building relationships and finding common interests is one of your strengths. Your approach involves active listening, open communication, and brainstorming. A winning strategy for you will be to first decide what you want, and only after that hear everyone.

Espresso – results-oriented

Espresso is a concentrated and powerful shot of coffee, much like negotiators who aim only at the outcome. You are focused, determined, and value efficiency and quick decision-making. You prefer to cut all the way and prioritize tangible results. Sometimes you go too stiff, so you might want to add a chocolate cube next to it.

Double Espresso – A One-Man Power

The double espresso represents the power of assertiveness. You are bold, assertive and persuasive during negotiations. You have a strong presence and are afraid to take responsibility. Your style includes bold moves, pushing boundaries and seizing opportunities.
Long espresso - the patient strategist. You are willing to invest time and effort in negotiations. You look at the long term, and like to say you're a marathon runner, not a short-distance runner. You are skilled at analyzing complex situations and carefully weigh your options.

Short Espresso – The Tactician

You are a wizard with precision and attention to detail. You focus on specific points and dive deep into the details, and you know. Know how to leverage your knowledge to gain an advantage and negotiate favorable terms. Perhaps, sometimes, it can help you onboard someone with a broader perspective who will complement your tactical capabilities with an overall strategy.

Instant Coffee – The Pragmatist

You are comfortable and simple, practical, flexible and adaptable. You are the one who focuses on finding quick and effective solutions that meet the needs (versus all those who talk about "strategy", "long term", and other nonsense). You value practicality over complexity. Tip: so you give.

Instant coffee-flavored drink – prone to compromise

You are flexible, supportive and willing to make concessions for the sake of reaching an agreement. You prioritize finding a middle ground and avoid confrontations or lengthy discussions. Sometimes, really sometimes, you might want to think a little more about yourself. Winnery is not a dirty word.

Ace Americano - The Cool

You are calm and focused even in high-pressure situations. You have excellent emotional intelligence and manage your emotional balance very well. Their negotiation style is characterized by calm behavior and rational decision-making. So what if you regularly choose the least economical option when choosing your coffee, everyone is allowed to have its drawbacks.

"Upside-down coffee, half water, half soy, no caffeine, and please keep the chocolate cube away because it's always melting."

You pay attention to every detail and strive for perfection in negotiations. You need control, and that's also a problem because you're not sure you're giving enough space to others.

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