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Tel Aviv, Caesarea and New York: Demonstrations against the reform this evening | Israel Hayom

7/13/2023, 5:58:40 PM

Highlights: Demonstrators in several areas of Shirel went out to demonstrate following the planned legal reform. One of the organizers of the protest said: "Tonight's demonstrations are under the call to all lovers of Israeli democracy to enlist in the struggle" A neighbor of Science, Innovation and Technology Minister Ofir Akunis was detained for questioning by the Tel Aviv police on suspicion of having a camera overlooking the minister's home. He said the camera looked only toward the balcony and not to spy on him, adding that he installed the camera at the request of one of the demonstrators.

Among the protest sites: the home of Minister Gamliel and the home of Histadrut Chairman Bar David • On the second: Another "day of resistance"

The protest continues with greater intensity. This evening, demonstrators in several areas of Shirel went out to demonstrate following the planned legal reform and with the cancellation of the reasonableness grounds in the first reading. Among other things, the demonstrators arrived in front of the US Embassy on the Tel Aviv promenade, Zichron Junction, in front of the home of Minister Gila Gamliel, and more.

Before the weekend and the additional day of paralysis expected this coming Monday, the protesters arrived at several locations, when hundreds of demonstrators arrived at the Tel Aviv promenade, who did not block the road. Demonstrators also arrived in front of the home of Histadrut chairman Arnon Bar-David. Demonstrations were also held in New York.

Demonstrators in front of the U.S. Embassy // Photo: Israel Security Agency, Nurit Zins

One of the organizers of the protest said: "Tonight's demonstrations are under the call to all lovers of Israeli democracy to enlist in the struggle against the dictatorial and dangerous legislation, as well as a warning to the prime minister about the destruction of Israel's international relations and against the dissolution of the alliance with the United States following the dangerous and unilateral legislation.

"We call on the general public to mobilize more vigorously in the coming days. These are fateful days, and it is in the power of the citizens to save Israel from the destruction of democracy, the crushing of the economy and the dismantling of the people's army. There is still a real opportunity to stop the dangerous legislation that is destroying relations with the United States."

Earlier today, a neighbor of Science, Innovation and Technology Minister Ofir Akunis was detained for questioning by the Tel Aviv police on suspicion of having a camera overlooking the minister's home, so that the demonstrators against the legal reform knew that he had come to his home and came to demonstrate.

The police received information about the neighbor in his 50s, according to which he was documenting Minister Akunis' house. Police officers who arrived at his home found the camera and he was detained for questioning, during which he confessed. He said the camera looked only toward the balcony and not to spy on him, adding that he installed the camera at the request of one of the demonstrators who wanted to know when the minister was at home so they could come and demonstrate in front of him.

At the end of the investigation on suspicion of violating the Protection of Privacy Law, he was released under restrictive conditions, and the police will now examine whether cameras were also installed in front of the homes of ministers and Knesset members demonstrating in front of them.

Participated in the preparation of this article: Yaron Doron and Amir Ettinger

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