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'I'm excited': Deposed Commissioner Ami Eshed goes to thank protesters near his home | Israel Hayom

7/16/2023, 6:48:52 PM

Highlights: Ami Eshed was ousted from his position as commander of the Tel Aviv district. He recently announced his retirement from the police. Eshed spoke to demonstrators who came to support him near his home in Kfar Saba. "I'm very excited to see all the people here," Eshed said. "It's very moving to see so many people coming to support a police officer. Thank you," he added. "If you really want to hug me, Hug the Israel Police officers, they deserve better"

The commander of the Tel Aviv district, who will leave his post this week, on his doorstep: "My moral duty – to prevent civil war" • "Beware of the inflammatory discourse" • Eshed's resignation statement brought demonstrators to the streets • Among other things, Minister Ben-Gvir did not like what he believed was his gentle behavior towards the demonstrators who blocked Ayalon several times

"My moral obligation – to prevent civil war": Commissioner Ami Eshed, who was ousted from his position as commander of the Tel Aviv district and recently announced his retirement from the police, went down Sunday evening to talk to demonstrators who came to support him near his home in Kfar Saba.

Eshed was ousted by National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and refused to accept the position of head of the training division. After his statement, many demonstrators against judicial reform and the government took to the streets.

"I'm very excited to see all the people here," Eshed said. "They come to support, I don't take it for granted. Over the years I have maintained quite a lot of my anonymity, not 'mixing', neither in the media nor in politics. It's very moving to see so many people coming to support a police officer. Thank you."

"I'm excited": Eshed, who was ousted as commander of the Tel Aviv district, spoke to supporters who came to his home // Photo:

Eshed added: "All I wanted to do, a few very, very simple things, one and really fulfill my moral obligation to the citizens of the State of Israel, which I have been fulfilling for nearly 40 years in various security positions. Guard you no matter who you are, what you are and what your opinions are. Because we are really in the very heated discourse that has been happening lately. Unfortunately I must say going to this place. I am all I ask of you. Two simple things: One, remember that we all belong to this people called Israel and must never be. Let us turn somehow, even an arm or even a threatening hand at each other.

"And the second thing, no matter what, remember that the Israel Police has 33,000, police officers who go to work every day to protect you. So that you have the right to protest so that you have the right to a happy life so that you will not be hurt, and they do it even at the cost of hurting them. If you really want to hug me. Hug the Israel Police officers, they deserve better."

"Hug the cops." Demonstration in support of Ami Eshed, photo: Shmuel Buchris

Minister Ben-Gvir had complaints against Eshed, among other things, about what he claimed was relatively gentle enforcement of the demonstrators who blocked Ayalon on several occasions. Eshed was also in conflict with Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai. This coming Wednesday, Tel Aviv District Commander Lt. Gen. Peretz Amar is expected to take over. In recent demonstrations, the police commissioner sent Eshed's deputy, Avshalom Peled, to command the events.

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