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New research stirs controversy: The age of the universe is twice as old as we thought | Israel Hayom

7/16/2023, 11:19:33 AM

Highlights: Scientists say the age of the universe is 26.7 billion years. This is twice the current estimate of 13.7 million years. The new calculation was made possible by the use of the James Webb Space Telescope. If correct, it would be a revolution in how we understand the universe. It would also answer questions such as what is "dark matter" that has not yet been discovered, say the scientists who made the calculations.. If you find a mistake in the article, please share it with us.

According to a group of scientists from Canada, the age of the universe is 26.7 billion years – double the age estimated by the world of science until now • If the new theory is correct, it would be an earthquake in the study of the universe • The new calculation was made possible in part by the recent discoveries of the innovative James Webb space telescope

A new study published last week by scientists at the University of Ottawa in Canada put the age of the universe at 26.7 billion years – twice the estimated age of the current scientific approach (13.7 billion years). If the research is indeed correct and the age of the universe is double the prevailing scientific estimates, then this is a real revolution and a significant change in existing knowledge regarding the universe.

In order to establish their calculation, the scientists used a number of different scientific theories related to calculating the age of the universe, some of which are established in the scientific world and others are innovative. By combining these theories, the researchers were able to create a new method for calculating the age of the universe.


Ancient galaxies and a state-of-the-art telescope

The age of the universe has been at the core of space exploration for many years, with the theory that was accepted until now estimating its age at about 13.7 billion years. In this theory, the calculation was performed by looking at distant stars and celestial bodies and measuring the light coming from them to Earth, or in other words – measuring the wavelengths of light rays coming from those distant stars and galaxies.

One of the factors that made the old theory irrelevant is the James Webb Space Telescope, which replaced the old Hubble Space Telescope, allowing observations over greater distances than ever before. Thanks to the innovative telescope, researchers have discovered stars and galaxies in recent years whose estimated age is greater than the age of the universe (which of course is not possible).

Hexagonal mirror at the James Webb Space Telescope, photo: AP

Among James Webb's significant discoveries are a series of ancient and evolved galaxies that, according to previous calculations, place their age close to the moment when the Big Bang occurred and the universe was born. According to the same calculations, these galaxies reached a developed state only about 500 million years after the Big Bang occurred—a time that, in terms of the universe, is too short for galaxies to reach a developed state.

The New Theory

To the questions raised in light of James Webb's recent discoveries, no unequivocal answer has yet been found in the world of science, and it is not inconceivable that at some point an answer will be found that does not necessarily contradict the calculations accepted today. However, according to the scientists who authored the study, perhaps the simplest explanation is that the age of the universe is larger than previously assumed.

The study's lead author, Professor Rajendra Gupta, argues that "the new model answers all the questions that remain open about the age of the universe." According to him, the study also addresses other questions such as what is "dark matter" that exists in the universe and has not yet been discovered.

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