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Calls and petitions for and against the reform are increasing; Doctors Issue Objection to System Shutdown: "Prof. Hagai - Show Responsibility" | Israel Hayom

7/17/2023, 3:59:53 PM

Highlights: At the end of the emergency discussion at the Medical Association, it appears that within two days it will be decided on the steps the organization will take. Alongside the increasing pressure to shut down the protest, another petition was published calling for: "A complete separation of any political position from professional and medical conduct" Meanwhile, the bereaved families' organizations published a petition backing the threats of reservists to stop volunteering. "In our eyes, you are the real heroes", the petition read.

At the end of the emergency discussion at the Medical Association, it appears that within two days it will be decided on the steps the organization will take • Alongside the increasing pressure to shut down the protest, another petition was published calling for: "A complete separation of any political position from professional and medical conduct" Meanwhile, the bereaved families' organizations published a petition backing the threats of reservists to stop volunteering • "In our eyes, you are the real heroes"

Ahead of the transfer of the grounds of reasonableness: Calls and petitions for and against a protest shutdown of the health system are increasing. After an emergency white robes conference was held this week calling for the measure, hundreds of doctors published a petition disavowing it: "We see with sorrow and shock the threats of our colleagues, and apologize to the public." In addition, the bereaved families' organizations published a petition in which they claimed: "In our eyes, those who will not go to reserve duty as a protest are the real heroes of Israel."

At the end of the emergency discussion at the Israel Medical Association, it appears that within two days, it will be decided on steps to be taken by the organization, in light of the growing calls to shut down the health system in protest of the progress of the legislation.

Shouts of "shame": Hadassah doctors and staff at a demonstration in front of the landing pad of the Prime Minister's helicopter

The discussion also stated, "We will do everything to save medicine in Israel, the bill to reduce the cause of reasonableness in the proposed version is a fatal blow to medicine in Israel." Most speakers called for an immediate shutdown if the legislation continues.

The emergency conference of the White Pebbles Association at the Tel Aviv Museum. The place was too narrow to accommodate, Photo: Gideon Markowitz

On the other hand, hundreds of doctors published a petition repudiating the attempts to shut down and apologizing for them to the Israeli public. "We, hundreds of doctors, view with sorrow and shock the threats of the leadership of the Israel Medical Association to shut down the health system," the document reads. "We apologize to the Israeli public for the irresponsible behavior of a small and vocal portion of our colleagues, who conduct themselves in an outrageous, threatening and pushing for a shutdown."

"We call for the complete separation of all political positions from professional and medical conduct and strongly protest all the false imaginings and attempts at intimidation that our colleagues employ in order to impose their political opinion on the agenda in Israeli society."

"Prof. Zion Hagai - we call on you to come to your senses. Stop this madness. Do not threaten the citizens of Israel with a strike, do not cause harm to patients contrary to the doctor's oath. Busy with medicine and promoting it - that's the only mandate you've received from us!"

Meanwhile, one of the most prominent petitions in the past 500 hours is the Bereaved Families Petition, which has so far been signed by more than <> bereaved family members. Bereaved Families for Democracy said: "We wish to express our support for the reservists who announce the suspension of their volunteering for service.

"I know that you will always stand up when you are called upon to defend the country", IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevy spoke at the graduation ceremony of a pilot course // Photo: IDF Spokesperson

Stopping volunteering for reserve duty is the last step taken by its best sons not because of opposition to government policy, but in the face of the attempt to change the system of government in Israel and crush democracy.

The letter signed by the bereaved families, photo: None

"For this reason, we determine that the cessation of volunteering for reserve duty is not refusal, but rather the moral obligation of those who volunteer to implement government decisions with their own bodies, and even endanger their lives. Those who use it are, in our eyes, the true heroes of Israel."

In addition, the Business Forum, which includes 75 senior figures in the economy, issued a dramatic announcement: "We are in one of the most difficult periods the country has undergone. The Business Forum announces that bringing the legislation to the point of no return unilaterally will lead the Forum to take all legal measures to stop the economy. We call on the Israeli government to stop the legislation and return to dialogue in order to reach a broad consensus."

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