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Will promote competition and improve frequencies: The fifth generation tender is underway | Israel Hayom

7/17/2023, 8:39:58 AM

Highlights: The Ministry of Communications' Tenders Committee launched the tender. The goal: to significantly strengthen and increase the capabilities of the fifth generation cellular companies. The Ministry will allocate additional and advanced frequencies to the cellular companies that win the tender at a significant scale. The fifth generation networks have been deployed in Israel since 2020 and these networks are currently developing upgrades that include the transmitting equipment, network cores and the implementation of advanced applications. The winners are expected to receive the frequencies and the amendment of the license, subject to compliance with the conditions.

The Ministry of Communications' Tenders Committee launched the tender • The goal: to significantly strengthen and increase the capabilities of the fifth generation cellular companies • The Ministry will allocate additional and advanced frequencies to the cellular companies that win the tender at a significant scale for the 5th generation

The Ministry of Communications is launching the second tender for the fifth generation of cellular communications, with the dynamic pricing process beginning this morning (Monday). In December last year, the Ministry of Communications' tenders committee, with the participation of the Ministry of Finance, published the 5G continuation tender, with the goal of significantly strengthening and increasing the capabilities of the fifth generation cellular companies.

In order to provide a response to the various needs of cellular communications in Israel, the Ministry will allocate additional and advanced frequencies to the cellular companies that won the tender on a significant scale. The fifth generation networks have been deployed in Israel since 2020 and these networks are currently developing upgrades that include the transmitting equipment, network cores and the implementation of advanced applications. The Ministry of Communications says that the addition of frequencies is expected to significantly strengthen and increase the 5G capabilities of cellular companies, promote innovation in infrastructures, services and advanced applications, maintain competition, and promote technological competition in 5G infrastructure and services for the benefit of the public and increase economic productivity.

The tender is underway Minister of Communications Shlomo Krei, photo: Jonathan Zindel/Flash90

The operators who won the tender will be allocated additional frequencies on a significant scale, which are expected to significantly strengthen and increase the 5G capability and enable, inter alia, the provision of advanced services in public networks and the provision of advanced solutions tailored to subscribers in non-public networks. The Ministry of Communications notes that the objectives of the tender are: upgrading 5G networks, significantly increasing the supply of frequencies available for providing 5G communication services, and significantly upgrading the capabilities of public and non-public 5G networks to support advanced digital services that will position Israel among the most advanced countries in the world.

Additional goals are to promote innovation in infrastructure, services and advanced applications – allocating 5G frequencies in a way that will enable and encourage the provision of advanced services in a variety of different sectors of activity, as well as operating advanced and innovative applications beyond the currently recognized cellular uses. In addition, this is competition in terms of maintaining competition and promoting technological competition in infrastructure and 5G services for the benefit of the public and increasing economic productivity.

Director General of the Ministry of Communications: "When a hundred thousand people in Meron pick up the phone, civilian infrastructure cannot withstand the load" (Archive)

The bidders in the tender are the cellular companies only. The Ministry of Communications notes that within a maximum of 6 months, the winners are expected to receive the frequencies and the amendment of the license, subject to compliance with the conditions of the tender.The Ministry of Communications aims to promote the worlds of 5G on all levels, encouraging the deployment of 5G infrastructures throughout the country and encouraging the assimilation of <>G-based technologies.

Minister of Communications, Dr. Shlomo Krei, said: "The vision of Israel connecting is taking another step.
The second tender we are issuing today will advance the State of Israel to the forefront of the global technological stage.
Thanks to the fifth generation, the public will benefit from advanced infrastructure, smart cities and technological competition."

Acting Director General of the Ministry of Communications, Maimon (Moni) Shamila, added: "Today we reached the main milestone in the framework of the 5G tender, we are ahead of the construction of infrastructure (frequency allocation) before implementation. This is good news for the public that will lead to upgrading cellular networks, advancing technologies and innovation and providing quality service to the public."

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