The Limited Times

A therapist who committed sexual offenses against a patient was sentenced to nine years in prison - voila! news

7/18/2023, 7:19:52 AM

Highlights: Eliyahu Zarihan, 63, from Beit El, was convicted of committing serious sexual offenses against his patient. He misrepresented that it was being treated in order to carry out his scheme. The Jerusalem District Court on Tuesday sentenced him to nine years in prison. He was also sentenced to probation and compensation to the victim of the crime. He used to concoct and sell oils designed to relieve gum problems. The complainant came to him to purchase oil intended to treat gums. He committed many sexual offenses on her, under the false pretense that this was therapy.

Eliyahu Zarihan, 63, from Beit El, was convicted of committing serious sexual offenses against his patient on several occasions, misrepresenting that it was being treated in order to carry out his scheme. He was also sentenced to probation and compensation to the complainant

The Jerusalem District Court on Tuesday sentenced Eliyahu Zarihan, 63, from Beit El, to nine years in prison, convicted of committing serious sexual offenses fraudulently on several occasions against his patient. He was also sentenced to probation and compensation to the victim of the crime.

Zarihan concocted oils for gum problems and committed sexual offences on a patient (Photo: ShutterStock)

At the sentencing stage, the Jerusalem District Attorney's Office (criminal), through attorney Shmulik Barzilai, asked the court to sentence the defendant to 13 years in prison, suspended imprisonment and significant compensation to the complainant. The prosecution noted the exploitation and influence of the defendant as a therapist for the purpose of severe, ongoing and manipulative sexual abuse of a patient who trusted him. The prosecution emphasized that this was a planned move, a plot hatched by the defendant and also implemented.

According to the indictment, Zarihan, who was a couples and family therapist, used to concoct and sell oils designed to relieve gum problems. The complainant came to him to purchase oil intended to treat gums. Following a conversation that developed between the two, during which Zarihan told her, among other things, that he recognized that the complainant had obstructions.

The indictment also states that the two arranged for the complainant to come to him for treatment and counseling. During those sessions, Zarihan committed many sexual offenses on her, under the false pretense that this was therapy. The defendant denied what was attributed to him, and after hearing the evidence, the court rejected his version and adopted the complainant's statement.

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  • News in Israel
  • Criminal & Legal News


  • Sexual Offenses
  • Verdict
  • gum

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