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"How can a mother behave like that to a child? I wish your husband would divorce you": 'Wedding' star attacked | Israel Hayom

7/20/2023, 9:10:47 AM

Highlights: "Weddingmi" star Achva Sitbon has been severely attacked by surfers who were shocked by her comments. "I wish I felt for my husband's daughter what I feel for our son," she said. "Good morning to you too, Maxima," she wrote sarcastically on a screenshot of the correspondence. "The sweetheart was of course blocked after explaining to me that I was an orphan sorrower, so I would be grieved from heaven," Sitbon said.

"Wedding" star Achva Sitbon continues to grapple with the consequences of her recent comments about the less love she feels for her stepdaughter compared to the love she feels for her biological son Daniel

"I wish I felt for my husband's daughter what I feel for our son," a veteran of "Weddingmi" Brotherhood Sitbon said of her widowed husband's daughter. Ever since the interview with her was published, in which she revealed how she feels about the stepdaughter she is raising with her husband and the father of her son Daniel, Yonatan Ronen, she has been severely attacked by surfers who were shocked by her words. On Thursday, Sitbon shared on her Instagram account a harsh message she received privately following her trial that sparked outrage.

May and Moshe react after the decision (Archive) // Photo: Moshe Ben-Simhon, Keshet 12 and Gil Productions, Liron Saar, Aviv Hofi

"You're shocking!" a user attacked Sitbon in a private message. "How can a mother behave like that to a child whose mother died? Instead of containing her and embracing her for this situation, you choose to do the opposite. If she had a choice, be sure she wouldn't have stayed with you for one minute! I wish your husband divorced you and your child felt what you were doing to this girl! Lack of emotional intelligence!" she slammed her.

Brotherhood Sitbon, Photo: Ronen Ackerman

"Did you read what you wrote to me without even knowing me? Am I the shocker here?" replied Sitbon, not content with just the answer she gave the user privately, and added a few words on the screenshot of the correspondence between the two: "Good morning to you too, Maxima," she wrote sarcastically.

"What's going on with the poison on this platform? What about a little free love? Or not even love, just not unnecessary and meaningless hatred. God, I'm shaken every minute," she shared her feelings. "The sweetheart was of course blocked after explaining to me that I was an orphan sorrower, so I would be grieved from heaven," she said.

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