The Limited Times

In the Bois de Boulogne, the awakening of the Villa Windsor

7/20/2023, 6:09:54 PM

Highlights: Number 4, route du Champ-d'Entrainment, in the Bois de Boulogne, has been closed to the eyes for decades. Le Figaro was able to penetrate what was the address of the deposed King Edward VIII and his wife, Wallis Simpson. On a human scale with its 14 rooms, the building built in 1929 for the Lillaz family, linked to the adventure of the BHV department store. At the back stretches a garden that must have been beautiful in the past.

Considered "the most secret place in Paris", the home where Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson lived is due to open to the public next year. Private visit.

Number 4, route du Champ-d'Entrainment, in the Bois de Boulogne, has been closed to the eyes for decades - to the point of having earned the title of "the most secret place in Paris". Exceptionally, Le Figaro was able to penetrate what was the address of the deposed King Edward VIII and his wife, Wallis Simpson, but also - it is less known - the den of the de Gaulle family from the liberation until 1946.

Behind a green gate monitored by cameras starts a small gravel path, lined with reeds. Five minutes are enough to reach what is nicknamed the "Villa Windsor", a mansion with a columned porch, a flight of windows on two floors, a row of balustrade and a slate roof. On a human scale with its 14 rooms, the building built in 1929 for the Lillaz family, linked to the adventure of the BHV department store, is not ostentatious. At the back stretches a garden that must have been beautiful in the past. We guess an orangery in bad shape, the roof of a house, hidden ...

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