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The former head of the Shin Bet supported refusal; The political system lashes out: "Every red line has been crossed, voluntary devotion to brainwashing" | Israel Hayom

7/20/2023, 8:40:22 AM

Highlights: Nadav Argaman spoke in an interview with the High Court of Justice in favor of refusal. Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich attacked: "A piece of social experiment this event" Minister Katz also responded: "Argaman has many rights in the field of fighting terrorism, but not the right to call for refusal" Former head of the National Security Council, Major General Yaakov Amidror, said Argaman "made a bitter mistake. He crosses every red line in these statements"

Nadav Argaman spoke in an interview with the High Court of Justice in favor of refusal • Minister Smotrich attacked: "A piece of social experiment this event" • Minister Sofer responded: I opposed the Oslo process but did not dare to refuse to serve and certainly not to speak in favor of refusal" • Minister Katz also responded: "Argaman has many rights in the field of fighting terrorism, but not the right to call for refusal"

Argaman Storm: Former Shin Bet chief Nadav Argaman spoke Thursday morning in an interview with journalist Ilana Dayan about the legal reform and announced his support for refusal if the Knesset approves laws that create changes in the judicial system.

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich responded angrily on Twitter, writing: "It's simply amazing how serious people who have done some things in life voluntarily devote themselves to stupid brainwashing as if without broad reasonable grounds, which were not here until 30 years ago and do not exist in any normal country in the world, Israel will cease to be democratic."

"A piece of social experiment this event," he added. "A lot of insights about psychology and the human psyche, and especially about the need to diversify the composition of senior officials in the defense establishment in order to ensure the future of Israeli democracy."

Party Chairman and Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich, Photo: Haim Goldberg/Flash90

Minister of Energy and Infrastructure Yisrael Katz also commented: "Former Shin Bet chief Nadav Argaman has many rights in the fight against terrorism, but not the right to call for refusal, which encourages terrorist leaders."

Former Shin Bet chief Nadav Argaman has many rights in the fight against terrorism, but not the right to call for refusal, which encourages terrorist leaders.

— Israel Katz (@Israel_katz) July 20, 2023

The former head of the National Security Council, Major General Yaakov Amidror, was interviewed by Razi Barkai and did not hesitate to attack the Argaman position.

"During the War of Independence the Palmach threatened Ben-Gurion because he didn't like some of his decisions regarding conscription, and Ben-Gurion, in the middle of a war, did not hesitate and dismantled him," Amidror said, adding that Argaman "made a bitter mistake. He crosses every red line in these statements. Nadav Argaman's group is holding the country by its throat."

Maj. Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror, former head of the National Security Council, attacks Argaman for @razibarcay: "He made a bitter mistake, crossing every red line in these statements. Nadav Argaman's group is holding the country by its throat."

— Geltz (@GLZRadio) July 20, 2023

Minister of Aliyah and Absorption Ofir Sofer was also interviewed this morning on Galatzi after Nadav Argaman and expressed shock at his remarks:

"From the most dangerous interviews I've heard to date," he said. "I speak from the blood of my heart, as someone who commanded fighters. I was severely wounded and returned to the command after rehabilitation, I opposed the Oslo process but I did not dare refuse to serve, and certainly did not speak out in favor of refusal when I saw the Oslo disaster with my own eyes."

He added that "bringing the IDF into the political debate creates damage for decades. What is the message of the former head of the Shin Bet in recommendations to the heads of the defense establishment that he expresses himself in this way?"

Recall that Argaman's uproar followed a controversial statement in an interview with Galatz that "we need to stop this legislation in every way. If the law passes, we don't have to abide by the contract they signed with us when it was agreed that we are a Jewish and democratic state." Argaman also refrained from condemning insubordination against the background of the reform and even encouraged it. "To hold those volunteers, pilots, special forces responsible is a complete mistake."

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