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You Won't Believe What Things Were Discovered in Caves in Israel | Israel Hayom

7/20/2023, 1:00:37 PM

Highlights: Cave paintings discovered in Israel are considered among the most important prehistoric works of art in the world. The Wadi Murvat caves yielded an amazing collection of papyrus scrolls. The well-preserved documents provide insights into the daily life, religious customs and administrative affairs of a Jewish community that lived during the Roman and Byzantine periods. An ancient burial cave from the time of Ramses II was discovered in its entirety. The cave contained numerous funerary offerings, including pottery, lamps and animal bones.

From sacred texts and coins, to ritual baths and paintings that hint at life underground thousands of years ago, to hidden natural wonders: caves throughout Israel reveal the country's past

The recent discovery of the "Cave of Witches" in the Jerusalem hills, where more than 100 candles and other tools used in mysterious traditional rituals were found, reminded us that beyond a good place to tell cheesebets on a school trip, caves are fascinating places that often hold treasures from the past – whether human or natural. The artificial intelligence Llama, Perplexity and ChatGPT remind us of some other interesting findings discovered inside caves in Israel:

Treasure from the time of Alexander the Great

In 2015, members of the Israel Cave Club found silver coins and jewelry dating back to Alexander the Great's conquests more than two thousand years ago in a stalactite cave in northern Israel. It is believed that the treasure was hidden by local residents during a period of unrest after Alexander's death.

A savings plan for days of destruction

Another treasure, discovered in the 50s in a cave near Modi'in, included a reservoir of gold and silver coins, dating to the Second Temple period, which are believed to have been hidden by Jews who fled during the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 20 CE.

New species of animals

In 2006, a high school student discovered eight new animal species in a cave in central Israel, including four species of crustaceans living in the water and four species living on land.

Burial cave from the time of Ramses II

In the southern coastal plain, an ancient burial cave from the time of Ramses II was discovered in its entirety. The cave contained numerous funerary offerings, including pottery, lamps and animal bones.

Treasure of Nahal Mishmar

In 1961, archaeologists stumbled upon an amazing collection of Bronze Age artifacts hidden in a natural rock crevice in Nahal Mishmer, near the Dead Sea. The treasure included beautifully crafted copper objects, intricate jewelry and unique ritual items. This discovery provided insights into the sophisticated art and religious practices of the Chalcolithic inhabitants of the region.

Square Papyrus

Among the many caves near the Dead Sea, the Wadi Murvat caves yielded an amazing collection of papyrus scrolls. The well-preserved documents, discovered in the 50s and 60s, provide insights into the daily life, religious customs and administrative affairs of a Jewish community that lived during the Roman and Byzantine periods.

Prehistoric art

Cave paintings discovered in Israel are considered among the most important prehistoric works of art in the world. Some of the most prominent examples include cave paintings found in Beit Guvrin-Marsha National Park, which include figures of animals, humans and abstract shapes. These paintings date to the Upper Paleolithic period, around 15,000 to 10,000 BC.

Ancient synagogues

In the Judean Desert, archaeologists have discovered remains of several ancient synagogues, such as the one found in the synagogue cave at Ein Gedi. This synagogue dates back to the 2nd century CE and features intricate mosaics and frescoes depicting Jewish symbols and motifs.

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